South east Florida mini meet.

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Member (SA)
I was on the east side For the past two Days for a work project over in Boca Raton, so I decided
to give our beloved members Redbenjoe and Monchito a buzz being I was in the area.
Well we all met up at Ira's Mansion De Boombox on the beach For a great homemade meal
and some good ole southern hospitality.
This was my first visit so I was straight away given a tour of the premises and got to take a quick
spin on The legendary "Woodie"
We Cranked the tunes on at least a half dozen boxes while I was there and got exposed to some
great boxes that I have never had the opportunity to listen to.
the night was filled with great company great music and best of all The Brotherhood of Boomboxery !!!
Thanks Ira and Joanne for a wonderful visit I wont soon forget.
Here are some phone pics, next time I am up I will have to remember to bring a real camera. :blush:








I Am Legend
thanks for coming up for the great visit --
it is seriously an honor to have you and ramon here at the same time --
to show off my boxes and OUR ocean !!!

and that even goes for oldskool and spud and ralf and fatdog-
and whoever else will come over --soon - i hope :-)


Member (SA)
Hey Ira,
The Mrs (yes, the one in my pic) will be heading to Florida real soon. PM me address or what I need to find you. Would like to meet up with whomever is available. That would be :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Hi Frank! That's really cool that you got to meet up with Ira & Ramon!! They're both a couple of very cool guys!
Ira is very nice to have you over like that!

When I first got to the meet-Ira & Ramon were the first people I met & probably my favorite people I got to meet at the meet!
Both are so nice!
I'm glad that you all got together like that!
Have a fun week-Jeff. :-) :yes: :surf: :choco: :cool: :breakdance: :-D :-)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
When I grow up and retire, I'm moving to Boynton Beach. I just hope Ira and Ramon are still there. :-D


Well-Known Member
Staff member
baddboybill said:
COOL :cool: meets seem awsome :thumbsup: just wish I could have made it to the Wisconsin meet :thumbsdown:

You are going to the next one. It will be at Spud's or my place in the air conditioned garage during the summer, then we can crank the TUNES! :breakdance:


Boomus Fidelis
blu_fuz said:
baddboybill said:
COOL :cool: meets seem awsome :thumbsup: just wish I could have made it to the Wisconsin meet :thumbsdown:

You are going to the next one. It will be at Spud's or my place in the air conditioned garage during the summer, then we can crank the TUNES! :breakdance:
AWESOME!!!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Am I invited????? :hmmm: :yes:


Member (SA)
im_alan_partridge said:
Great photos, just being in short sleeves would be nice, im freezing.

:agree: :agree: I hear that.. freezing here in NY too

Glad you guys had a great time :-)
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