sony dicolite

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Member (SA)

what where they thinking, the large muteki is horrible but it sells, so lets make a mini version.

AC only no mention of DC

Do you think more manufactures will make portable product now? iPod dock pins are less expensive than a deck or disc mech so in a theory this means that they can afford to pay a proper designer.....

On a side note the AU government wants to interfere with headphone listing because idiots walk around with them flat out and recently one girl in Sydney was hit by an ambulance heading to a scene because evidently the ambulance was not heard . AU has always resisted the AVLS systems on personal portables, but now I think they are looking at it again.


Member (SA)
I took my Vela Disco boombox to the Australia Day fireworks last year and i
can't tell you how many people wanted to know where i got it from :-D

If the makers want to re-create that kind of interest they need to build the
new model boxes with some style :yes: I mean, i havent seen that Sony discolite on
any T-shirts yet ;-)


Boomus Fidelis
:agree: fully with AZA!!
They need to build new boxes in oldskool look.
Hey LASONIC, what are you waiting for?
The 931i with discolites would be fun for sure. :w00t:

btw: got a discolite-speakerunit for my MP3 player a time ago.
Still funny,but awful sounding :thumbsdown:


Member (SA)
The Muteki looks like Wall-E's decapitated head more than anything capable of delivering an entertaining music experience.

Zero beats the DiscoLite for getting attention! I took mine to this years annual general meeting and needless to say it was quite a talking point.

Rock On.
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