Somebody with $15 in spare change should buy these...

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Member (SA)
If you have a decent tape deck and like to make very good quality recordings, you won't find a better bang for your buck than these when it comes to "new in wrapper" audio tapes. Shipping and all it comes to about $1.60 per tape. Personally, I think they are sonically better than the latest formulation Maxell XLII or TDK SA. My naks and my boomboxes love 'em.


I would buy them and call it a day, but I have a sizeable stash of available tapes and adding these would be akin to gluttony...

I'm not affiliated with the seller, but the feedback looks stellar.


Member (SA)
Awesome, Johnny...

Same seller has DR-I's for $5 for 10, plus $6 shipping.

Good deals for sure.

These are good for tape swaps ;-)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I will definitely save that link. Might pounce on some tomorrow. Thanks, JT. :thumbsup:
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