Some people get all the luck......

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Fatdog said:
That's pretty sneaky, Joe. :-D So... where DID you find it?


FD, you found my clue!!!!!!

On another forum I am on a new thread popped up that said "For Trade: Lasonic TRC-951" :w00t:

I thought, are you kidding me?!?!?!?!?! I jumped on that like a hooker in a wishing well!

Yes, I am the proud owner of my 2nd TRC-951. It is in the mail right now :breakdance: :w00t: ;-) :thumbsup:


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I have only seen 5 or 6 of these boxes since I have been collecting and only 3 of them were actually for sale. Johnny had one that was sold off, but no one knows who got it. The other 2 that were for sale are now in my posession :thumbsup: .

I won't be keeping it cuz that's not the way I roll. I wanted to buy it so we could get it in the BBX community :yes: . It's a bummer that I couldn't get it for a "in the wild" price, but it was fair. I managed to sell off some things on that forum and the payment was sent. :thumbsup:

I will clean it up when it gets here, give a full once over, and figure out who I have to contact first to see if they want it ;-)


Member (SA)
I've only bought one box on fleaBay; my Sharp GF6262 for 25 bucks. Everything else has been 'in the wild' for short money. However, the only 'grails' I've found are the Helix 4636, and the Sears 2199 (not even sure that counts).
I nailed a nice minty Fisher PH418 3 piecer last week for 18 bucks last week though. :-D

On another note, do you guys think $100 is too much for that big 5 speaker Magnavox PowerPlay D8443 box? There's one on CL in my area that's been listed a bunch of times, still there. It kinda has that stored-in-the-basement-for-20-years look but nothing appears to be missing or broken :-)


Boomus Fidelis
blu_fuz said:

I have only seen 5 or 6 of these boxes since I have been collecting and only 3 of them were actually for sale. Johnny had one that was sold off, but no one knows who got it. The other 2 that were for sale are now in my posession :thumbsup: .

I won't be keeping it cuz that's not the way I roll. I wanted to buy it so we could get it in the BBX community :yes: . It's a bummer that I couldn't get it for a "in the wild" price, but it was fair. I managed to sell off some things on that forum and the payment was sent. :thumbsup:

I will clean it up when it gets here, give a full once over, and figure out who I have to contact first to see if they want it ;-)
DIBS :thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
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baddboybill said:

Looks like monchito and thafuzz beat you to it so far. They might not like the price I come up with for it so you might still have a chance :lol: .
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