Some people get all the luck......

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Well-Known Member
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So how can it be that maybe one member here can score 10 of the same boombox (without buying at epay prices) that everyone is looking for, and then some guys can't catch a break and find even one of these boomers :huh: :hmmm: :thumbsdown: . Is it crazy to think that each person was designed to find and own certain boomboxes? Like blasterpunk with his Wheely's? Like 71Spud with all his JVC's? Or that Conion C100 guy who has had probably a dozen or more of them at one time?!

For instance, is it possible for me to own lets say, 2 Lasonic TRC-951s? :w00t: Or even more of this rare box. Maybe 3-4 or even 5 of the 951's!!??

Would that be a shot in the dark huh.... what would I do with 2 TRC-951 Lasonic boomers anyway, right? :hmmm: :dunce:


PS, I did buy another Lasonic TRC-951! Where in the world did I find that and how did it fall in my lap? ;)


Boomus Fidelis
I know sometimes I feel really guilty about my collection of Coby's. What did I do to deserve so many and how is it I'm always finding them on eBay and at the Thrifts for pennies, it's just crazy. :-P :lol:

I think it's mostly geographical but there is certainly some luck when your scoring them in common places like eBay.


Staff member
Agree with skippy. Just because they have them don't mean they didn't pay handsomely for them.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hahaha, true ;-) .

Drag your curser across my original posts text...... I think everyone missed something :hmmm:


Boomus Fidelis
only ones i need more than one of are the boxes i love the most and only if they are easy to come by, i won't stress out over boxes anymore it's not worth it ,i have learned to be happy with what i have once i got it ,hell i consider myself lucky to have the ones i got so that's good enough for me ,if other boxes find their way to me that's cool ,if not fark it :lol:


Boomus Fidelis
Floyd I hear you, my buying boxes of off eBay has just about ceased this year. Everything I pick up now is local from the Thrifts or CL at a fraction of the cost of eBay but I will admit it helps already having a good collection.


Member (SA)
For me to have more than one from a kind is hoarding tho. Whats the point of that? Can be some wired kind of greed too. Probably can understand to have one beater for spares if it came really cheap. Its not like canned meat to eat em and to have some in reserve. Im ok with dudes which have more than one from a type. Its matter of personal choice. But the interesting thing is in diversity IMHO. And i i agree with all - it is not matter of luck. Is matter of digging deep the finance. I prefer to get wasted whit friends than to have second of a kind. Actually just ordered second GF 9595 - but ordered with the idea to sell it or trade it right away. And something else IMO - if we have just one from a kind its more beloved the second is pure redundancy. And the luck - real luck is to find next one from the wish list , on good, right price far from the insane ecrazybay madness. Can understand some crazy ideas - to build a house from c 100 for example . But the case does not look like :lol:


Member (SA)
I think a lot of it depends on the "region" you are in. The guy with he 50 Conion/Clairtones, including some "GOLD" one's, got them all in the "Wild". I remember emailing him about them, he is from Montreal. I found 2 Clairtone's in the wild, one for 200, one for 400. And a JVC RC-M90 for 50 bucks. So I think it depends a lot where you live. And also when you started collecting.


Member (SA)
It's hard to find anything here in the Tennessee mountains. Heck, I didn't know anyone that had a "big boombox" in my small town in the early 80's. I think it's easier to find them in urban areas.
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