Some of the less than minty.

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Member (SA)
Very rockin, OSS!
Love those yellow reeled Memorex tapes.

You've got some lovely radios in that bunch, well chosen!

Rock On.


Member (SA)
I really like how you cropped them, that looks sweet.

Hope this post motivates me to get out and shoot my fleet.

Old school Scott

Member (SA)
Sweet! Those speaker caps on the GE are massive. How does that sound?

The GE sounds like someone took the guts of a Lasonic 920 and put it into a sleeker box.
Sometimes I look at it on my shelf and I am worried that I talked this box up a little too much.
Then I pop some batteries in and start it up and it reconfirms to me that it does indeed rock.
Bass used to vibrate the case a little too much so I made a Dynomat gasket and put it between the speaker and the case.

Cheers OSS :afro:


Member (SA)
Man! It's got a that "It" factor that has me calling Dibs on it. :lol: Does that model have Line In/Out jacks?
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