the top two boxes came from flea markets.
the magnavox has non functioning tape deck wheels - so it eats the tape / but plays aux / radio good enough.
the sanyo m9880ka is from 83 and fully functional as far as I can tell. super cool box sounds good too.
and the bottom / silly large bring a dolley box is home made by me from a pair of large house cabnet speakers robbed for the 12"s / sealed back mids / and tweets / n crossovers are used internaly. powered by a agm leak proof motorcycle size battery and a 2 channel car stereo amp with I pod chord hooked up coming out the top. up top are positive and negative charge posts to use car battery charger on - and has a on off switch that cuts out the negative.
its fully self powered - and portable as long as you have a skateboard or dolley to put it on. lol cause its a heavy mo.
loud as all get out. could party at the beach and cause quite a rucus. or bring the noize poliece a runnin.
I try to get out on the weekends to score boxes in the wild I guess is how its termed - im looking in good will stores / thrift stores ( also great places to find casette tapes and vynal records ) yard sales and flea markets. its a good reason to get up out of the house and go hunting. walk around and exercize - if you find something - great - if not at least you got up and out of the house ya know ?
feel free to post up any pix of your scores in this thread or point out any info on my sanyo / magnavox boxes for me thanks !