Man your camera/pics have an unmatched clearity, i'm diggin' your pics. I have this old nikon f2 35mm and the flashboot fell apart. I put it back together for what it-was, and now it doesn't trigger the flash properly. It's prolly not connecting to the lead properly, dunno for sure. Do you know much about that stuff? btw your Conion always looks bigger than everyone elses and you look like a pretty big guy said:I always pronounced it the way that it seems most people do here - "kahn yun" (thanks hemiguy2006)
No one touches mine!
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hemiguy2006 said:I lOOOOOOve My Conion
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zorlac said:Man your camera/pics have an unmatched clearity, i'm diggin' your pics. I have this old nikon f2 35mm and the flashboot fell apart. I put it back together for what it-was, and now it doesn't trigger the flash properly. It's prolly not connecting to the lead properly, dunno for sure. Do you know much about that stuff? btw your Conion always looks bigger than everyone elses and you look like a pretty big guy said:I always pronounced it the way that it seems most people do here - "kahn yun" (thanks hemiguy2006)
No one touches mine!
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Hahaha!!! I got that "Cohones" or Cojones, in espaniol, Balls. My Conion Has Big Cohones!!!!!!! The bus that picks me up everyday is getting shorter and shorterLLopez said:Let see: Cohun, Cohen, Cohones, Conono, Conion. Got it.