Show Us Your Co-Axial Boomboxes!! The M9970 & The D-8050!

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Member (SA)
Hi everyone-Remember back in the late 70's & the early 80's trend in speakers or at least in car speakers was to go co-axial or tri-axial! :lol:
But boomboxes are rarer! :yes:
Here's my Sanyo M9970 which is identical to my first stereo boombox that I bought in Manhattan,NY electronics district 1980'!!
This Magnavox D-8050 I got from my mom,she said it was to big for her! I gladly took over as it was & is in new condition!
It says made in Austria!! Right in Romans backyard!!
I like this little unit as it has adjustable spatial!!
Have a great weekend-GB. :-) :yes: :surf: :breakdance: :choco: :cool: :stereo:





Boomus Fidelis
Yeah, the D-8050 is a funny box. :-D
Also funny: got the same as PHILIPS last sunday on flea.
First i was going to leave it, because it´s a "cheap" unit.
But then it was really cheap, so i took it for 3 euros. :blush:
like this one:

Interesting: it has a combinated slider for AM-FM and Tape-Radio! :-O


Boomus Fidelis
That SHARP is for sure one of the best! :thumbsup:

Here a quickshot of the PHILIPS:

and here the strange monster-slider :blush:


Member (SA)
Thanks for all your cool boombox relies! Norm I really like the Superscope! I also like the Aimor Ramon!
Roman-I just knew you would have one of thes D-8050's!! It's exactly like mine!!
Great boomers-I didn't think about the 9696! I think there's more GF's that have co-axes in them to!
Have a great weekend-GB. :-) :yes: :cool: :surf: :thumbsup:
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