You all have brought up great topics, and shared your thoughts and I completely agree! I am very proud and happy I am a Go Getter Gen X'er! 1966 model here. We are crunched between the huge population "bell curve" Baby Boomers, and the ungrateful ( mostly), spoiled, coddled, pampered ,entitled Millenials and New Gen Z coming up. I nipped the 60s and experienced 3 years of that decade, was blessed in growing up the best decade ( for me) and became a 13 year old in 1979, and really embraced and experienced the happiest decade after the 70s....the 80s! The 90s were ok, but saw and felt the downward spiral with music, and consumer electronics in the 90s. I don't count Y2K and beyond to now. It's so blah blah blah, boring and homogenized with waves of the cooler decades hitting us from the 50s thru the 80s. Commercials, retro tv shows being shown on retro channels, movies that are remade, songs that are remade and sampled, etc, etc.
I am truly happy to be where I am at, and proud to be a Gen X'er! These boomers we love hit the paramount during my teens, so it was the perfect stars and moon and sun alignment!