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Member (SA)
Does anyone of you more about the brand shebro?

Have seen an offer here in germany for a rere boombox.

But i get no further infos about this brand. Only made in Japan..... :blush:


Boomus Fidelis
Guess I'll have to resort to the olé crocodile Dundee gender test lol. Can't be too safe these days. I remember the good old days when it only applied to humans.


Staff member
Trommelmops said:
Good that my english is worst so i cant laughin about your jokes about it.
They are laughing because shebro = she-bro
She = woman
Bro is short for brother = (man). Get it?


Member (SA)
Oh i understand it but i prefer more helpfull answers.

Its a struggle to understand sometimes, oft ist es viel einfacher auch mal ganz einfach in meiner Sprache zu schreiben, da fällt mir

das alles viel leichter. Aber ich befürchte hier im Forum ist es zu kompliziert in meiner Muttersprache zu schreiben, so muss ich mich wohl oder übel

mit Englisch durchquälen. Its always a good exercise but need more experience to understand what many phrases means.

My brain is limited.


Boomus Fidelis
If its a walkman that's probably why nobody knows much about that model. Also the name in English is kinda funny so its hard to get a serious answer.


Member (SA)
I love these old generic models & save as many as I can justify............

It's like part of my adolescence & discovering how the humble cassette evolved & holds very happy memories :-)

I had a tiny Amerex & also a Unisef TU1 I think............both tiny recorders for the time!!

Worthless now of course & very easy to pick up for next to nothing, although I did see the Unisef on Ebay last year for £90! :lol: :lol: :lol: A chat with the seller who thought it was worth a mint & had to be told!! I made my excuses, got me coat & left! lol

Lasonic TRC-920

Nickeccles said:
I love these old generic models & save as many as I can justify............
I'm with you, when I was a kid, my parents didn't have the money to buy brand name, hence the reason I bought a LA-Sonic and not a PANA-Sonic :lol:

I have a few off brand walkman's back in the day and those things were freaking LOUD! WAY Louder than the Sony equivalents. I still have a few no-name walkmans that are outrageously loud. 1981/82 before any government volume limits.
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