SHARP WF-939 Opinions

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Member (SA)
Hey Friends.
I picked up a SHARP WF-939 on ebay yesterday. I've always loved their looks and that gorgeous spectrum analyzer. Does anybody have an opinions on this box? Bass good, line in good? my wife's gonna kill me 'cause I have 9 boxes now... Ahhh, I love my boxes.

Thanks! :-D


Member (SA)
All I can say is you will love the sound. Very solid bass, nice highs and a 10 band eq. It will not dissappoint... :-D

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
davidnspero said:
Wow! Better than an M90! I'm so stoked! I'm dying to hear the box!

Im not sure if she is better than an m90 there two different beasts but as good as... the 10 band eq is superb and the spectrum a is brilliant... you will love her.... just ask oldskhool69 how good one is... :-)

Lasonic TRC-920

I love Spectrum Analyzers on ANYTHING! That's a nice looking toy right there and I have to say, SQUARE speakers are really growing on me.



Member (SA)
Hey Friends!

The box finally arrived. In typical ebay fashion, the Sharp arrived with 20+ years of sticky grime.. I'm a box freak, I really enjoy cleaning and re storing.
'Nuff said, I cleaned the ever loving sh out of it, cleaned all switches / sliders and voila! I hooked up my ipod and let 'er roll.

Sound: I find the sound crisp and detailed with a super quick attack. The overall sound is excellent. The eq is very effective too, not to mention the lovely spectrum analyzer.. Swwwweet. BUT - both cassette decks are dead, so I have more cleaning, lubing, and belts to replace.

* Anyone who's read my posts knows I'm starved for bass, and I have to say this box delivers enough to satisfy.

One of my favorite albums is "Sandanista" by The Clash. If you know this album, there's so many amazing frequencies to explore. The sharp eq allows you to effectively dial in and hear everything.

*If my battle worn brain remembers correctly, I think the street price was somewhere around $400. Man - In college, I barely had enough money for top ramen. I remember all my friends were intrigued by new flat woofers (Sony and others).

For the short time being, I have a new favorite box.

Again, I'm so glad I have a place to share my love and obsession. Thanks for the friendship guys!


Staff member
Welcome to my world! I love that Sharp! And thankfully...have one! (That's mine in the pics on the green cloth.) Wait'll you get her really tuned up... ;-) :thumbsup:

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
Glad she arrived :-) If you REALY want bass buy a kaboom but not the ipod one the rvnb1 is the one you need peace....
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