Sharp GF9000 , Unisef With Lasonic Woofers..

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Member (SA)
haven't checked them out yet..


Which box do you think Deserves them most ? i can't decide..


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Member (SA)
i haven't tested them for sound yet justcruisin,because especially on the unisef the wires are soldered,and the sharp wires have different connectors,but i think i will test the sharp first and report back..

Blu_fuzz i totally witt ya man,both of these boxes are so nice looking but they do need that extra help to improve the noise..damm i need another set of lasonic woofers,they are lovely looking speakers..


Member (SA)
justCruisin i just tested the GF535 ,this will shock you but the original sharp woofers are a bit louder,have tighter bass and a bit more boom to the bass too,the lasonic sounds abit more full range than booming bass,i think the lasonic look way better and nicer but may need a heavier amp to drive them properly,maybe it would have been a more accurate if i put both lasonics in to get a better test,but..overall up to now oddly the sharp woofers seem to suit the box more for some reason..but sharp amps are weird in my opinion..

Will test the Unisef and report back soon..


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Staff member
I put black Lasonic woofers in a M90 and they are worlds worse than original M90.



Member (SA)
Oooof.. i really like the red M90 fuzz,it looks alot lot better than the original grey, more exiting and brighter,i wonder if someone could do a photoshop on the M90 like Rambo did with the GF777 years ago,that would be great..


Member (SA)
well guys the Unisef won,lee i did try them in the GF535 but it didn't sound as nice,with the sharp speakers it sounds more punchy and tight bass,with the lasonics in it just garbled about,not alot of bass and also had less treble aswell,the sharps amp didn't seem to know what to do with them,sharps amps are crap (sorry sharp fans,but i'm a sharp fan myself)..

I have fitted them into my unisef but even the unisef speakers sounds better than the lasonics,the unisefs are a simular story to the sharp,goes louder with the originals,and slightly brighter highs,better punchier bass..but its the good looks of the lasonics that won me over,i just love the looks man..


Member (SA)
had this argument before because i rate the sharp 9000's standard speakers as superb.once had a 9000 with different speakers in and it sounded dreadful,then managed to aquire one with standard speakers in and it sounded great.bass galore and great imho id leave the sharp alone and change the ones in the unisef :thumbsup:


Boomus Fidelis
hell i would put the crown woofers in the sharp and the lasonic woofers in the crown.

the crown woofers are the best part of the radio lol. these crown woofers are more like the stock gf 9000 woofers only a bit nicer but sound about the same.
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