The price for Sharp box in my country is very high compared to other brands. For example, people are willing to pay more for a mint 9494/9696 than for a mint M70/M90. Craps like 700z, 800z, 939 also go for alot of money. Even a QT-80, 90 can go as high as a M90. Seem difficult to understand? Well, keep in mind that for every good m70/m90/toshiba bombeat 18/16/90 that pop up, there're like dozens of 777/999/939 that offered. There're like hundreds of guys with five or more 777 in his collection

But wait! My Panasonic 4360 (7700) being offered first time for few weeks till it's sold (I'm not in this hobby by that time). On second times, it's on display for few days before I saw it and bought it for half of the offered price - just as much as regular price of a 9191/9292

The reason is simple. Most of the old guys collecting box right here is only familiar to Sharp box. Don't know why but few decades ago Sharp is the most popular brand here while others are not so common. So Sharp boxes nowadays have greater nostalgic value to most collectors than boxes of other brand and therefore, being sold at much higher price.
Among thousands of collector here, very few guys know value and quality of those boxes like Toshiba S90, Aiwa 955, National 7000 etc.