Sharp GF-8585 restoring tape function

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Member (SA)
Hey guys, new member here. Just picked up a Sharp GF-8585 (Think it is the X or XN) at a swap for $60. Works well, but needs a nice cleaning. Also, the tape motor works but seems to have a ground issue with the Normal/CrO2 button. Also, started to eat the tape. Guess I gotta go in and check it out. Any tips on cleaning and restoring are greatly appreciated, thanks!!!!


Member (SA)
Hey new fella, welcome to our world! :thumbsup:

Tape chewing on this is almost certain to be a problem with the sleeve on the capstan, which was originally made of a latex-based rubber that becomes liquid with age and constant heating/cooling as the deck is run. R/C model shops sell the far superior silicon pipe that replaces this, I/D is 0.037", O/D is 0.19" but the O/D isn't critical as it's the capstan to pinch roller dimension that dictates the speed, the sleeve is further back on the capstan and simply pulls the reel that takes the tape from the full side during play.

Drive from that capstan to the takeup spool is by another rubber - the idler tyre - which runs against the sleeve, that tyre is sometimes found to be suffering the same thing but often, removing from the rim and cleaning the tyre with IPA (to clean off the molten rubber from the tyre that it would pick up from the liquifying sleeve) followed by a soak in glycerin (to soften and preserve the tyre and prevent its going the same way as the old sleeve) will be all that the tyre wants. If that [tyre] is also decomposing, then genuine, N/O/S ones are available for Sharps or you can use a suitable nitrile O-ring which, although they have a round profile, will work just as well.

Looking at the manual on the UKVR data DVD, later 8585s had a slightly different takeup arrangement in which the capstan runs directly on the idler tyre, if yours is that type then follow the above regarding the tyre but ignore the bits that involve the sleeve.

Your switch issue is probably caused by nothing more serious than poor contacts, so a scoosh of contact spray (There's no Servisol S10 in the USA "officially" so you'll have to make do with Deoxit) into the switch followed by a few flicks back and forth will take care of any glazed or corroded surfaces.


Boomus Fidelis
Welcome Eddy! Can't add any more to John's helpful post. Reminds me I've got an 8585 in the shed which I need to sort


Member (SA)
awesome guys!!! thanks for the tips. gonna run to the store and try and grab that stuff. Was doing research on this site (hence me signing up) and noticed someone else had that problem with that rubber pipe turning to glue after years.

will report back soon with pics if need be. thanks again guys, talk soon.


Member (SA)
Welcome aboard Eddy, another So Cal member in the mix! Good luck on your Sharp bro, there's lots of great people here who are more than helpful. Don't forget to post pics!
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