Sharp GF-800z

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Anyone got one? Haven't seen them much except on ebay from Chinese sellers. Are they a non-US release model or are they just rare?

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
Had one personally i wouldn't bother the speakers are fake etc what you need is the 939 i think thats the mn, that i have been told is the real deal :-)


Staff member
:w00t: Really?!! The speakers are Fake?? :w00t:

I bought one a little while back. Got it for a song since it was advertised as a fixer. Soon as I saw the arabic lettering on the label in the rear, I immediately looked at the voltage setting and found that it was set to 240v. We are @ 120v here in the U.S. I verified the problems that the seller advertised. Of course as soon as I changed the voltage back to the proper setting, ALL IS FIXED -- 100%. I don't know about fake speakers but all I can say is it sounds really really good. However, I don't see too much information on it and was wondering if it was a non-US issue model. All in all, maybe the quickest "fix" I ever did on a boombox :-D

As for the 939, I'll keep an eye out. One sold recently but I didn't bid since Vlad wanted it but he didn't win it either. :sadno: This 800z though was way better than I expected, is all I can say.

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
Norm your problem is your an easy pleaser :lol: have you got a pick of the 800 just to varifuy were talking about the same box i think ghettoman had one also and gave it away been a few in the uk

as for the 939 there are a few about with bins of about £100 :-)

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
Norm PLEASE i hope ypur not doing what i think you are :lol: taking a speaker apart on the 800 lol most of this kind of desighn are fake the only brand that tended not to be was sony and panasonic :-)


Staff member
Here is a pic of the GF-800z


GF-939 with Buy it now of 100 euros probably is about what the last one here went for so doesn't look like prices are that different. Obviously, it would be cheaper direct than buying it in ebay.US and shipping to UK. Shipping alone would cost as much as the box.

Yes, I guess I AM easy to please but I've just played with it some more all I can say is Damn, this thing is way impressive. I don't want to get into any arguments of which boombox is better/louder, etc. but all I can say is that I'm extremely confident that this thing will give ANY boombox including the M90 a run for it's money if not beating them flat out. It's very very good. Glad I bought this. :-D

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
Norm no argument intended :-) m90 contender no chance :-) i have another box like it but admittedly the 800 is better ill give you the mn in a moment. btw that is the box in the pick thanks for clarafuying bud :-)


Staff member
Rimmer36 said:
Norm PLEASE i hope ypur not doing what i think you are :lol: taking a speaker apart on the 800 lol most of this kind of desighn are fake the only brand that tended not to be was sony and panasonic :-)

Nope. Not gonna open 'er up. The speaker sound so awesome that I don't care if they are fake or not, they sound better than many boombox 8 inchers. This thing, with the small square woofers (at least they look square) will KILL a TRC-931 or even the TRC-975. I like this alot. I'm way impressed.

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
The box i have is the TF9000 when i heard this i just wanted to smash it with a sledge, some poor sod on epay uk payed over £130 pounds for a tf900 a few months back, if i had done that and heard it i would have been suisidal litrally.

The 939 is the box we want norm the speakers are real in that. As long as yr happy with the 800 who cares itt is realy a looker but i aint got no time for fake thats just me though.

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
Superduper said:
Rimmer36 said:
Norm PLEASE i hope ypur not doing what i think you are :lol: taking a speaker apart on the 800 lol most of this kind of desighn are fake the only brand that tended not to be was sony and panasonic :-)

Nope. Not gonna open 'er up. The speaker sound so awesome that I don't care if they are fake or not, they sound better than many boombox 8 inchers. This thing, with the small square woofers (at least they look square) will KILL a TRC-931 or even the TRC-975. I like this alot. I'm way impressed.

:agree: Its better than any lasonic thats why i wont buy one the problem with me is if i know its not in m90 legue or some other boxes i have i dont bother im just a snob lol the only boxes i will buy are boxes that i had in the past or grails i want that meen something, if i dont like the sound i just give it away or don't use it

Wtf am i talking about buying more boxes for lol i thought i wanted to sell my collection shows how mad i am thanks for cheering me up a little norm but at the same time im still upset i guess talking helps whateaver its about :-)

Master Z

Member (SA)
Cool box norm, What kind of power is it rated at? I was under the impression that it had round woofers, at least I thought somebody here verified it.
Looks like the little brother the HK-9000, the styling, layout, all but the size . The huge HK has real good sound thanks to the separate sealed speakers. It's more of a PA system or home stereo, than a boombox. :cool:



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A friend of mine once asked me if I was a baseball fan, or just a Giants fan. At first, I didn't understand the difference. Then he told me that if I follow the Giants exlusively and the other ball clubs only matter when we are contending against them, or if they are rivals, then I am a Giants fan. If I am a baseball fan, then I like to watch every club.

It then became clear to me and then I understood. I am a Giants fan and not a baseball fan. If the Giant's season is over (and it frequently is), then I don't much care what happens in the post season playoffs since MY club isn't a part of it. The same applies to boomboxes. We can be fans of boomboxes in general or focused collectors.

For me, I would say that there are some boxes that I don't touch but for the most part, I am a boombox fan. I like them all for all their various quirks, personalities, shortcomings, strengths, characters, etc.

The M90 is a top box, no question about that. But then when I'm heading out the door and want to carry one with me on my bicycle for a ride through the park, I take my little mini. Then at home when I'm sitting in the bathroom toilet reading my favorite car magazines (it's what guys do, right), I have my trusty but beater Sony or Superscopes which aren't loud boxes but does have nice clear tunes. Then when I'm going out to the park and need a durable boombox that can take a beating as well as give out the beatings, the kaboom is the way to go. Above my computer in the hutch sits my Pansonic RX-C300 with it's awesome spectrum analyzer display so I can watch it's pretty blinky lights while I plunk away on BBXRY. Point is, each box for me is special for it's own reasons. The M90 is a top box for sure and a Grail by any definition of the word but there are times when it just isn't appropriate. Sometimes, lesser boxes have a purpose and a place in this great world and galaxy. :-D


Staff member
Master Z said:
Cool box norm, What kind of power is it rated at? I was under the impression that it had round woofers, at least I thought somebody here verified it.
Looks like the little brother the HK-9000, the styling, layout, all but the size . The huge HK has real good sound thanks to the separate sealed speakers. It's more of a PA system or home stereo, than a boombox. :cool:

Looked at the back and it's input is rated at 10 cells, 15volts, multi-AC voltage, 50watts.
Definitely NOT a PA system but it would fit right at home on the bookshelf, and it's a little long like the kaboom but perfectly suited as a boombox too. Not overly heavy but very hard hitting.

Perhaps the speaker are actually round, not sure. The grills are square and there is foam behind it so it's entirely possible. If round, that is probably a good thing since replacements and new foams are gonna be easier to find. But square or round, I don't really care because all I know is that it sounds awesome. Good highs and terrific tight bass. I actually have it on the floor right now and when it's cranked up, you literally FEEL the boombox. If the GF-939 is better, then I want that one too! :-D Soon as I can figure a way out of this money issue I'm in right now. :sadno:

And yes, they do look similar. The GF-800z looks to be slightly bigger and the layout looks a bit different as well too.

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
I here you norm and agree totally do i own just m90's nope :-) i think you will find i have some minis in my collection if you look :-) :-D one can simply not buy every boombox in the world we all difine our own collections :-) but every box i own sounds great buy an akai pj33 my friend you will love the rich warm sound :-)

thats one reason i got rid of my ipod touch so quick no warmth in the sound it sounded dead bill spoke about this in another thread the ipod is crap and the reason for this is it only has preasets no graphic eg and then bass boost on top

there are so much better sounding mp3 players out there its unreal apple should be closed down imho

back to ghettos the sound issue and me not liking the sound i supose its like buying a tv who the heck would buy a baw tv these days when there is coulour thats what it is like for me if i dont like the sound music is to be apriciated and quality of sound is part of that for me, part of my problem is im to good at explaining stuff so i get missunderstood all the time :-)

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
Norm the 800 the speakers are round 100% sure i had mine apart what you see is a cloth thats a big part in why i gave mine away. just a cheap gimmick :-)


Staff member
Sheesh Rim. Next time you get a box and get disgusted at it because of something like that, you can give it away, my way ! :w00t:

As for the apple ipod, I agree to some extent. You got to install and convert audio using a high sampling rate OR you can get low quality audio -- no dispute there. But when you are going to work via the subway, an ipod works, an M90 does not. Different purpose, different device.

BTW, some people download and rip music online from yahoo, aol and youtube. MUCH of those tunes are intended for computer listening and NOT even recorded in Stereo. Yep, those will sound crapola.

Oh yah. I'm 100% fine with round speakers. 99% of the speakers are round so I'm pefectly fine. The square grills are just a design feature and I find that acceptable. What I don't find acceptable is the FAKE spectrum analyzer on the JC2000's. That is just totally NOT acceptable to me. When I discovered that the spectrum analyzer display was nothing more than a printed graphic representation of one, I was like WTF??


Member (SA)
Hi Norm-I almost bough one from Vlad.
I've heard they are really nice!!
I want a 939 or one of these 800's.
Great find!! & a good deal.
It's always nice when it's a super easy fix!
Have a good one-GB. :yes: :surf: :thumbsup:


Staff member
Ghettoboom767 said:
Hi Norm-I almost bough one from Vlad.
I've heard they are really nice!!
I want a 939 or one of these 800's.
Great find!! & a good deal.
It's always nice when it's a super easy fix!
Have a good one-GB. :yes: :surf: :thumbsup:

That's for sure. I asked the guy if he knew the voltage was wrong. He disagreed saying that it was set correctly and that he'd always been operating it that way. Well, yeah, it still works when the voltage is set to 1/2 it's intended amount but it's like operating a boombox when the batteries are almost dead. Needless to say, it didn't perform well and the cassette decks wouldn't work. All I did was take 30 seconds to correct the voltage setting and voila, instant fix. Damn, I'm good. :-D :lol:

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
. What I don't find acceptable is the FAKE spectrum analyzer on the JC2000's. That is just totally NOT acceptable to me. When I discovered that the spectrum analyzer display was nothing more than a printed graphic representation of one, I was like WTF??

:lol: lolx2 the jc 2000 sounds fine but :agree: That is such a cheap and nastily made box it is unreal i traded one with a very respected member here a few years ago well shall we say with this members recomendations the box was mint to be fair and it was shipped in a crate best packing EVER and i mean EVER but i wasnt told both decks were knackered the drive cocgs were knackered so i traded it for another box a knackered s90 i wont mention names but if i did i would probbly be called a lLIAR but the only quality part in the jc2000 are the speakers if you have actually seen them they make the m90 speakers seem like toytown best speakers EVER in a boombox but the cercuitry aint up to driving them although it sounded pretty good.

And again you missunder stood yes :-) the ipod is portable and can be used in ways an m90 can't but DONT buy one buy a sony or a creative blows an ipod away i think the word ipod is an insult in it's self :-) :-)
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