sharp gf 7

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Member (SA)
i have a little sharp gf 7,it has small prob with the deck, ive had it apart and it looks like one of the micro switches is missing bits, i dont have anything to compare it with, dose anyone have pics of a gf 7 deck, thanks Geoff


Boomus Fidelis
In most cases if it is missing bits, the switch won't work at all.

There are some pictures I found from the net. That bend line is a spring, if that is broken switch won't work. You can buy these types of switches, but in most cases they sell it in sets of 10 or 20. They are not that expensive.

Our other members might have pictures showing various micro switches in the GF-7


  • IMGP0003_2.JPG
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Member (SA)
your great boomboxlover, that confirms i have bits of a switch missing, im sure i can find a switch some where as i have quite a few parts decks all different makes, or make one that works


Boomus Fidelis
geoffhartwell said:
your great boomboxlover, that confirms i have bits of a switch missing, im sure i can find a switch some where as i have quite a few parts decks all different makes, or make one that works
I am glad I could help a little!


Member (SA)
this is why i love this site, its all working again, with out that pic to compare its nearly impossible to see what switch type it was missing, luckily i had an old gf 4343 and it had the same switch, just had to adapt the soldering terminals , thanks again bboxlover


Boomus Fidelis
geoffhartwell said:
this is why i love this site, its all working again, with out that pic to compare its nearly impossible to see what switch type it was missing, luckily i had an old gf 4343 and it had the same switch, just had to adapt the soldering terminals , thanks again bboxlover
I am happy for you! :-D :yes: :yes: :thumbsup:



Member (SA)
It was quite handy of member Royce (AKA BoomboxLover48) to chime in with assistance less than fifty minutes after member geoffhartwell posted his message requesting help with troubleshooting the damaged micro-switch (or whatever the problem was) in his Sharp GF-7.

And good for Geoff Hartwell (his government name, right?) that he was able to repair the damaged component -- and apparently all in less than two hours. (Fast working, that.)

Anyway, is it just me, or does that photo' of the Sharp GF-7 micro-switch in the Google search results image linked here by '48 look a bit too much like the overhead shot of some insect, with it head and feelers to the left in the photo'? (SMH)
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