Sharp Bass Machine

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Member (SA)
Well today I picked up the Sharp GX-M10 for $197. At the local Best Buy store.
Regular price was $249.00. But they matched a price I found on
Been listening to it for the past few hours and I am very impressed with it.
Loads of features, very loud, tons of bass, flashy LEDs for lighted subs
And a really substantial remote control. A slew of inputs on the back with seperate gain controls
For mic and guitar, radio,CD player. And it works with all of my iOS devices, including my new iphone5.
I know most of the crew is not crazy about the looks of the new school boxes but
They are growing on me. And the sound cannot be beat for a brand new unit right around 2 bills!!!

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Member (SA)
finally! you grabbed one.. told you they have bass to spare.. I use mine daily and every time I turn it on and crank it a little it brings a smile to my face.. Sharp earns mad respect by making a quality box this day and age.. and at under 2 bills it cant be beat.. hell I paid $250 each for the 2 I have and have no regrets paying that.. if I didn't have an extra I buy another!.. great bass machine indeed! make sure to make a YouTube vid.. mines the only one on there atm.. could use a quality vid by you..


Member (SA)
I'm guessing you and I are part of the rare few that are excited enough about the newer boomers to
add them to our collections Lmao. Most just can't get past the new fangled look I'm guessing
Here's a quick vid that I did with my iPhone


Boomus Fidelis
It looks better than a Kaboom IMHO. But I still can't get over how the middle section is thinner. Makes it look like an ant's waist. Should have made all of it the same width.


Staff member
Congrats Frank! You have some sweet classics to compare it to as well as the Altec. Let us know what you hear. :-)
The GX-M10 is a boomer I would love to have in my collection - it's probably the only modern box I'd pay $250 for.

I personally don't mind the looks of this Sharp but I still prefer the old school 'box' style with all that shiny chrome!

I take my boomers to work alot and 95% of young people there much prefer the vintage look more than the modern 'eggs and tubes'.

You don't see IPhone covers featuring egg radios do you?!

Congrats on the Sharp, I bet it sounds awesome!!



Member (SA)
jimmyjimmy19702010 said:
You don't see IPhone covers featuring egg radios do you?!

Congrats on the Sharp, I bet it sounds awesome!!

Maybe in about 20-30 years from now. Lol
I will do a modern box comparison for all who are interested and post my results.
This has already been done so It will just be another opinion from me


Member (SA)
I am sorry to reopen such an old thread.. but... did anyone made this thing sound as good on aux as it sounds when on ipod/cd/etc? It is limited by sharp factory.. and this SUCKS... I have tried 30 pin to jack + lightning cable, multiple 30 pin to BT adapters and so on.. it looks like they made this thing especially for apple products. Anyone has a solution for this? Thank you.


Member (SA)
ok, but, can't that be modified? or can't I make a 30pin + jack that would make this boombox to produce good sound quality, better than the rubbish that comes out of the standard aux? :(


Boomus Fidelis
Don't know. There's nothing wrong with 3.5mm Aux jacks, as long as the impedence isn't too restrictive.
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