Sanyo / National boom or bust boxes?

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Going through the tech talk section here, I notice a dearth of requests for requests about the a/n brands of boomboxes. I've always found Sanyo to be real workhorses, sturdy and reliable. I've never seen a National, but I've been told they're the same things. ARE these makes what I have found them to be, or have others just found them to be PITAs, and chucked them rather than repair them? I snagged a Sanyo MCD-Z41 at the Sally Ann for 10 bucks CDN t'other day, and I'm well pleased with it. It's not the loudest, but the sound is great, and the BassXpander does what it's supposed to.


Boomus Fidelis
They're both great brands.

Among the bigger brands, I would say that build quality goes like this:

1. Panasonic/National
2. JVC
3. Sanyo
4. Aiwa
5. Sony
6. Sharp
7. Hitachi
8. Toshiba

Those are just the biggest brands, I'm not going to bother ranking the smaller ones.

Keep in mind that each model is different. For instance, the Sanyo M9994 is the highest quality Sanyo, followed by the MX-820. The other Sanyos are very good but not AS good.
Basically the further back you go, the better the build quality. That's why for example, the M9994 and M9998 are better built than the later MX-920 etc.


Member (SA)
jimmyjimmy19702010 said:
Basically the further back you go, the better the build quality. That's why for example, the M9994 and M9998 are better built than the later MX-920 etc.
Very true for these two models. Late 70s boxes tended to be built better but the ones that came later were prettier. 920 720.

Mystic Traveller

Member (SA)
Reli said:
Among the bigger brands, I would say that build quality goes like this:

1. Panasonic/National
Same here. IMO, Matsushita were the best in industry.
As for Sanyo, I heard many times that they were good but these days are one of the worst rebuildable machines.
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