sanyo m9998 or jvc m70

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Member (SA)
i might be on a hiding to nothing here guys but whats your opinion of the best?had an m70 a while ago and remember how sweet it sounded.really sweet.but since aquiring a sanyo m9998 my one horse race feelings towards the m70 have it just me at my old age going nuts,or does the sanyo really sound better than the m70?from what i remember from the jvc the sanyo doesnt win it hands down but maybe it pips it?what are your thoughts chaps! :hmmm:


Member (SA)
Never owned an m70 Andy, but once had the m9998 :yes: from what I remember it sounded fantastic with plenty of bass and crisp highs. I also remember it was built like a tank, and weighed a ton for a mid size box. You sure kept this one quiet, have you been on a boombox mission and kept it from us :-D


Boomus Fidelis
For controls, features, design, durability, parts availability, and easy to work on, I would definitely go with an M70. :-D :hooray: To me an M70 is the overall winner! It got it all!

For better quality sound :hooray: , a nightmare to work on, scarcity for parts availability, failing caps and all I would go with an M9998. :-D :w00t: :bang:

I have two with me that needs work. One was moderately molested/raped before sold to me. :blush:
The other one is a virgin and she needs belts. :yes:

I doubt my skills to work on both of them. :w00t:
I need to gain some strength ...I opened the back cover and start blinking my eyes...and close the box.
I will start with the raped box and learn better. That is my plan.

I am also an ageing nut! :w00t: In the late 50s... but mind is very young.


Boomus Fidelis
An M70 is louder, and better outdoors for that reason. But it has crappy controls IMO, because the toggle switches are plastic and cheap-feeling. Also, using sliders for volume is just bad ergonomics.

An M9998 in proper condition will sound better indoors, with a great Wide setting. I had an M9998 that was one of my absolute best-sounding boxes, but I sold it because the FM was dead. It even sounded better than my "K" model for some reason. I wonder if the speakers are different. Or maybe the stereo pot in my K model isn't set right.


Member (SA)
A fully functioning m9998 sounds absolutely fantastic and looks better than an m70 in my opinion. The m70 is more powerful with fantastic sound. The deal breaker being the damn record pause line-in crap on the m9998....that box would get a lot more love if it wasn't for that. The first time i listened to an m9998, honestly, the first thing that popped into my head was.....BOSE. Thats how it sounded to me.


Member (SA)
I have both and i think the M9998 definitely sounds better, my M70 is pretty minty so i think its a reasonable comparison. The M70 does however have harder bass and goes much louder. I think its a real tough one.

I had to rebelt my 9998 and jeez that was a hard one, probably the hardest i have done. M70 much easier to work on.

So sound quality to Sanyo, volume to JVC.


Member (SA)
Those two boxes are so different to look at. The M70 is more traditional and apart from the slider controls (which are appalling ) is a box without many weaknesses.
M9998 is one of Sanyo's great boxes. Built well sound good and really nice controls to use. Especially the 'stepped' volume.
Interesting point from Reli about the indoor/outdoor thing.
I've got 2 9998s and 3 M70s so not hard to find.
It all depends on which individual M9998 you've got. I've got 4 M9998Ks and they all sound different. The first one I got a while back had a weak left channel. The 2nd one also had weak left channel and a weak FM tuner. The 3rd one I got from a member and is fully working including the best sounding deck I've heard in a portable.
My latest freebie M9998K is completely unserviced but is the best sounding and has a great tuner. Comparing the sound of this latest M9998K with the M70s/M75s I've heard, the Sanyo wins for low to mid bass for sure. The M70 does have a much more powerful sounding BTL amp but low to mid bass doesn't compare. And those top controls do feel more late eighties than late seventies.

I read somewhere that the amp in the M9998 is based on one of Sanyos home HiFi designs. It's a pity Boombox designers were so conservative with regards to output power in the seventies.

M9998 prices do tend to be much lower than the easy to work on M70 due to construction complexity. So to summarise, for outdoor use, the M70 has the dBs you need, for indoor use, the M9998 is the way to go.

James.... :-)


Boomus Fidelis
M70 cannot come close to the sound quality of Sanyo M9998 in stereo wide mode!
Most of these boxes have no stereo wide mode.

I took both M70 and M9998 out and did a comparison.

The sound imaging is unbelievable!
I would rate Sanyo M9998 as one of the best sounding boomboxes ever made. :rock:

Same is the case with Panasonic RX5350. When you select the Ambience mode the sound imaging becomes so nice.


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Member (SA)
wow,thanks guys for so much valuable advice there and quality opinions :thumbsup:
az,yeah,i only got the m9998 as a fluke,a guy from leeds brought me it,and a sanyo mx920 to have a look at repairing for me.the 920 i diagnosed as a possible faulty play switch and the m9998 has weird problems with the pressing of the deck keys-i think a mechanical issue in the connections somewhere,but belts are on,and seem firm.but enough of that,before he went i managed to prize the m9998 out of his hands :w00t: to be honest i wanted the 920 too but he just wouldnt agree to letting me get that,not for all the tea in china :bang: im still trying to aquire it now,but to no avail.
the rest of you guys are i believe in agreeance with me,generally speaking.from my point of view the jvc goes stupid loud and the sanyo doesnt match it,but when you keep the decibels reasonably low ish the sanyo holds its own.i concede the jvc is better looking,but theres no excuse for the poor quality switch gear used on the jvc.they should have known better. :nonono: but either way i value your opinions so fell free to keep them coming.....oh and az,ive added northerners old disco light panny rx 5250 back to the fold again now too.damnit i appears i might be back on the boxes again-maybe :w00t:


Member (SA)
Well that's a great way to acquire a real sweet box mate well done☺nice to see the interest is creeping back in too Bro, I still have that tosh box for you and hope to get it to you in the near future☺
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