Sanyo M-9998K Rebelting

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Member (SA)
As some of you may have already seen in the Collections section I've managed to procure one of these lovelies and, like many, it needs the deck belts replaced. I've read many posts about the difficulty of replacing the belts on these, but not actually read any how-to's or tips.

I'm yet to take her apart, but am I correct in assuming due to it's age that all it's boards are soldered together, ike the Aiwa TPR-950?

If anyone's done this replacement please post your experience and any tips or tricks. I'm not able to work on mine till the weekend and I'll attempt to document the procedure, if I can find it manageable. I've attempted and had success with rebelting most of my decks, but I'm getting myself mentally prepared for a world of pain with this one.

Rock On.


Boomus Fidelis
Rick,re belting theM9988 isn't real easy. It is not nearly as difficult as some older Aiwas, but just take your time,take some photos of how stuff went together. And keep your cool,you can do it..... :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Staff member
Take lots of photos, for sure. When you crack 'er open, there is a temptation to just disconnect those connectors and get right at it. Don't. You should even take photos of those connectors tethering the front 1/2 to the back cover because there are so many and they can get mixed up. Trust me, it's possible because there are connectors that will connect to more than one jack.

Also, take photos of the wire looms too and how they are bundled because room is very very limited inside and the wire bundles could get in the way of the front and back 1/2 coming together. After you disassemble, lots of those wire looms get seperated. When you reassemble, a big huge bundle probably will prevent the back from sitting flush and you will be tempted to just screw er up. Don't. Do it right, even if it drives you crazy, just take a break and come back later.

You are gonna want to do it right the first time because once it's together, you probably aren't going to want to take it apart again. Ever.

Good luck.


Member (SA)
Hi Glue-Good luck with yours! I just don't have a good brightly lit workstation so mine will get done later.Glue if you can take photos of your progress
It would help me maybe do mine.Good luck & everything Norm said is true!
Take care-GB. :-)


Boomus Fidelis
glue it kind of a long process but it can be done the first one was a %$^&* to do but i have done a few and it is really not that bad you will have to take her apart totaly... :yes: :yes:


Member (SA)
Gluecifer said:
As some of you may have already seen in the Collections section I've managed to procure one of these lovelies and, like many, it needs the deck belts replaced. I've read many posts about the difficulty of replacing the belts on these, but not actually read any how-to's or tips.

I'm yet to take her apart, but am I correct in assuming due to it's age that all it's boards are soldered together, ike the Aiwa TPR-950?

If anyone's done this replacement please post your experience and any tips or tricks. I'm not able to work on mine till the weekend and I'll attempt to document the procedure, if I can find it manageable. I've attempted and had success with rebelting most of my decks, but I'm getting myself mentally prepared for a world of pain with this one.

Rock On.

Hi glue, I replaced belts on mine.
A lot of patience is needed because it is not easy.
Takes many photo.
Made attention indeed has to put back(to hand) the card(map) in the connector.
I post you some photo of mine


Member (SA)
Thanks Marc!! Awesome photos!

Unfortunately, there was some unforeseen issues...

I got her apart ok, and rebelted too, much to my surprise.

But when I was testing out the mech to make sure it was running at the right speed, much to my complete horror, I noticed a spring sitting on my towel I'd taken her apart on and have ZERO idea where it goes!

The deck isn't wanting to engage the motor (possibly due to this spring..) and I abandoned the project before I lost my patience. I'll be jumping back in later this week.

Here's a pic of the spring on the off chance someone has an idea. I was thinking maybe somewhere in the eject mechanism? But not sure.


I'll post more hardluck/success stories when I get another chance to look at her.

thanks brothers.

Rock On.

blah blah

Member (SA)
damn it glue- i hate when there is a spare part! happens to me all the time but i always find out where it went. sorry i don't know about that that spring in particular but you'll get it :yes:


Member (SA)
i think spring button
soon , i have one to disassembled .
i look and i sent to you message .
I need part for that same bbox .

Sel The Don

Member (SA)
Just to add to thıs, Im rebeltıng my M9998K too but I also need to carry out some other work. I want to take the back board off but there are 3 black connectors that dont seem to want to shıft, any ıdea of how to unplug them.

Its the three badboys ın the centre of the pıc.

Also I am lookıng for a place to order belts.

Any help wıll be greatly apprecıated!
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