Sanyo C 7

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Staff member
san said:
Hey.. do someone know how much would a Sanyo C 7 cost?

Thanks for answer!

Welcome to the site and to this common and standing rule...

A Sanyo C-7 will cost whatever the seller wants for it. Or whatever you're willing to pay. That's it pure and simple. Discussing values is discouraged because it can lead to discouragement and disappointment.

Figure what you want to spend and go from there. If it's too high...hang on and wait for another to show up in your price range. :-D


Well-Known Member
Staff member
oldskool69 said:
A Sanyo C-7 will cost whatever the seller wants for it. Or whatever you're willing to pay. That's it pure and simple. Discussing values is discouraged because it can lead to discouragement and disappointment.

Figure what you want to spend and go from there. If it's too high...hang on and wait for another to show up in your price range. :-D

shane higgins

Member (SA)
kingrat2010 said:
:agree: ebay germany is not that bad, or just ask around your local schools, this way i scored two d8614 yesterday :-D
best of luck for 70 double it and you mite win it oh hang on dlaldahdtadhhkajdkalskkdksl
do you have on for sale then maybe 30
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