RX-5150 no output from tapes.

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New Member
I recently picked up an RX-5150 and right away I noticed that tape playback was gradually slowing down. I gave it a full set of new belts and adjusted the motor, but it continued to slow down. Last night I opened up the box to identify the motor so I could buy a replacement, but when I put the cassette mechanism back in place a new problem developed. All of the mechanical functions still work, the tape spins, and the meter lights up when the head engages, but tapes play silent. (The radio still sounds great.) I'm afraid something may have fried somewhere. Does anyone have any advice or perhaps spare 5150 parts?


Boomus Fidelis
Did you double check all your electrical connections as well as the connections to the Record Bar also check any Leaf switches in the tape Mech.
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New Member
Yeah, the one 3 wire cable can fit on 2 different connectors, best to have photos of the inside. Good luck!
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