russian boombox got new voice and gonna have new name

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mode one

Member (SA)
about two or more months i was working on this russian old boombox that i got from res1 like a gift and i had to promise that this thing would work one day so had some things to do. So brought 2.1 computer sound system and placed amp into this boombox, got new speakers and what is left is to buy charger and something to feed up this thing with power :)
so now it looks like that because i was working on electronics and its almost done :)
this is video how it is singing :) :superduper:



Member (SA)
This 2.1 speakerr system can work with batteries?
If so, show what this system (because the project seems to be quite interesting )

Go for it!!!



Well-Known Member
Staff member
hardmen said:
This 2.1 speakerr system can work with batteries?
If so, show what this system (because the project seems to be quite interesting )

Go for it!!!


mode one

Member (SA)
kingrat2010 said:
:w00t: the video was nice but big L made it boombastic :cool:
its very short video so it cant be so nice :d i want to make another project, make boombox netbook pc :D open boombox to use your netbook :D


Member (SA)
mode one said:
its a logitech system model i cant say at this time because i dont know but what i know is i brought it as 2.1 system but amp is from 5.1 system, about bateries didnt tried now gonna buy something like this ... .6B_z1.jpg and i have found one 13.5 v and about 1 a, so it would be perfect

This batteries is similar to I use in my 12v radios (specially in 5350) but my is more huge (7A).

See pic below:


This one of your link seems to be smallest... (in Brazil) i don´t found one like that.
My questions is because I have try to make a box with 12V amp and pre amp (with bass and treble pots), similar in size to the Elta Master Blaster!


mode one

Member (SA)
there a lot of theese things types, you can try to use laptop battery, its smaller and are not heavy, if there qould be like acer aspire one batteries that can get 12 volts i would buy one because it is very small, can fit into the batteries place :) but there ishnt like that so yeah im gonna get something like that ill posted in that image :)
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