So I finally got around to cleaning up my RISING 20 20 which I bought from Epay back in January. It wasn't in bad shape, the only issues were a small cracked corner on the front left foot that cracked off during shipping and a bent PAUSE button on the tape deck. I was able to find the piece that had broken off, and fixed it, and straightened out the PAUSE button as well. Other than that, it was all about the clean up.
For some reason I haven't been able to upload photos to my posts, it keeps telling me the "File is too big" I've tried everything and just gave up So heres a short YouTube video of the end results, and a few photos of some of the clean up will follow soon, with the help of good ol Chris, aka Lasonic TRC-920
So here she is in her new found glory, starting with FM, then the iPod playing some "West Coast Poplock" by Ronnie Hudson and ending it off with some EPMD "You Gots to Chill" in the tape deck. When I turned off the iPod to play the cassette, you can hear my son in the background saying "Isn't working Dad" Enjoy....
For some reason I haven't been able to upload photos to my posts, it keeps telling me the "File is too big" I've tried everything and just gave up So heres a short YouTube video of the end results, and a few photos of some of the clean up will follow soon, with the help of good ol Chris, aka Lasonic TRC-920
So here she is in her new found glory, starting with FM, then the iPod playing some "West Coast Poplock" by Ronnie Hudson and ending it off with some EPMD "You Gots to Chill" in the tape deck. When I turned off the iPod to play the cassette, you can hear my son in the background saying "Isn't working Dad" Enjoy....