Restring tuner on Magnavox D8443

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Member (SA)
I need to know how the string goes on the tuner for the d8443
i looked on here & found a diagram but i dont know how the string goes around the spring it's hard to tell on the diagram

does any one have pics of how it should go? of how many turns around the pullys & how it goes on the big tuning wheel
i have been working on this for hours & still can not get it

i think i had it on once & it would go all the way across but when you but the tuner board back on it only went half way ao i dont know why that was i guess im not doing something right


Boomus Fidelis
I did one last year and it nearly killed me :lol: Drove me completely bonkers but sorted it in the end. Can't remember that much about know how minds blank out traumatic events :lol:

I seem to remember having to move the dial all the way to one side and make sure the tuner mech is all the way the same way. You need more than two hands to do it really. I had another box so I turned that one to the same dial point and just copies the set up on that one. Did weird things like go around a narrow bit and a wider bit on the same spindle :huh:

Wish I could remember more as its a sod to do :sadno:


Member (SA)
I think I have a MAG D8443 tuner laying around somewhere. I will try to dig it up and take some pics and post. :hmmm:


Boomus Fidelis
Actually rereading your post I had a thought...if you reckon the string is on right but it only goes half way then it's likely you've got the tuner mech in the wrong position where the stringed wheel and the tuner mech connect. Move the dial and the mech to the end of the pass before slotting the two bits together. I had the same problem until I did that :-)


Member (SA)
I got this from my sevice manual of the MAG D-8443. I hope it helps you. Let me know if this is good enough or you still want pics. :w00t:



Member (SA)
yes i did see that digramon here but i cat not figure out how it goes around the spring
can you send real pictures of the tuner if you can find it thanks


Boomus Fidelis
Alberto said:
I got this from my sevice manual of the MAG D-8443. I hope it helps you. Let me know if this is good enough or you still want pics. :w00t:

[ Image ]
Ha! Wish I'd found that when I was doing mine!!! Woulda saved me a lot of hair tearing out!!! :w00t:
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