Resto or pass it along?

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Just got my first Panasonic RX-C100 delivered. These are built like a tank, dayum.

Right now there is no sound from the left channel.
Surrounds are gone.
Antenna and mount gone.
The deck does play/ff/rw
And it is beat to hell.

I'm not really a 3pc guy but sometimes we all do strange things!

Ha! Well, should I restore it or let the next guy enjoy it?



Member (SA)
Give it some blu_fuz love and then flip it. Then put that cash in the Vegas Boombox Summit account. You gotta get there Joe!!!🙏😊🙏

See you in September!!!!!


I Am Legend
our site is blessed with a great panny surround dude -
he lives in maryland
after that --you will be thrilled with the big // clean power this puts out
I'd do the contact cleaner thing and see if I could get the dead channel working. If so, then I'd look at those speakers and check if they have been damaged by being played loud with rotten surrounds. My Yamaha PC-8 had its drivers refoamed but the speakers were still shot for the above reason.

People say the C100 is a beast when running right - with 20 watts RMS per channel, it should sound pretty strong!! My PC-8 came out at the same time and was an obvious competitor to the C100 - the SQ of the PC-8'is superior to any grail I've ever head so a C100 would have to be a beast.

Good luck,

James..... :-)


Member (SA)
Yeah,I vote----- fix her up.That is an iconic,supersonic,rock in it Panasonic!Give it some love and see what happens.:)


Member (SA)
This C100 and the wx1 were the only 3 piecers I ever went for. If you get this one sorted then it's a very very good box.
On certain days it sounds better than my M90, BB40, H84 & S90.
I think you should restore.


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jimmyjimmy19702010 said:
look at those speakers and check if they have been damaged by being played loud with rotten surrounds.

This is exactly what I am afraid of, spending the time/shipping to get these refoamed to find out they are junk and should be replaced...... atleast this is a sealed speaker box so just about any replacement should hammer.

I leave for a 9 day vacation on Saturday so I will think about my plan while I am gone.


Member (SA)
I'd give it a good go along with a paint job for the speakers, I just don't waste - but I don't like banging my head against a wall either! :bang: :lol:

check tha bass

Member (SA)
if i had that box,knowing the quality of the c100,i wouldn't be able to resist myself,i would have to get my hands on it and have a go,foaming the woofers isn't that difficult,i've done some and its not as scary as you would think..just give it a good clean,refoam the woofers and see where you stand from there,but if it was me i would just do it,it would be well worth it.


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I guess my only hesitation is that I just am not a 3pc guy. I had the JVC PC-550C (black one), the Fisher 492, some JVC PC-100-200's and I let them all go. The part I liked about this panny is the parts it shares with the 5350 and other big Panasonics.

check tha bass

Member (SA)
there is things to like about 3 piece box's,the thing i like is that the speakers have their own chambers for better sound,that isn't interfered with by the stereo's innards,i love any 3 piece,aslong as the speakers lock on to the main unit,hate the ones that are just hooked on and can fall off..


Well-Known Member
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The RX-C100 has one of the best speaker locking mechs that are a simple push button.


Member (SA)
Definitely a resto here, as you may have seen the Panasonic i kinda resto´d then this one here looks very pristine ! :lol: Go for it, do it, can´t wait to see the results ! :lol:
I bet that C100 front cover lifts right off like the RX-C45 revealing every component you'd ever want to access - easiest style of construction for maintenance ever!! :-)

Lasonic TRC-920

I think she is well worth saving, whether you do it, or someone else. I know there hit hard, I know people love them, but if your soul isn't in it, maybe it should go to FREDDY! :w00t:
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