Resorted to begging.

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Member (SA)
Hello fellow boomboxers. Been a while been busy. Lots of stuff good and bad going on. Hope all you guys have been well. Have not seen any boxes in the wild for the better part of six months now. I mean been heading out to the thrift stores still and well its just a sad state of affairs up here. Almost all of them have shrunk there electronics sections down to nothing. Well today me and the better half headed out. I have needed a new bed for a while. I mean we have been sleeping on the expensive futon for the last month. I just have a hard time spending a grand on something i know cost fifty or so bucks to make. So we finally found a really cheapo place with brand name stuff for a more tolerable price. While we were there i spotted out of the corner of my eye a radio on shelf in the back. Of course i knew what it was and although no grail or monstrous box It was one i had wanted for a long time. It was pretty much dead mint. I did not ask right away. I waited till the transaction with the mattress was done. So in the end i left with one of these I offered to buy it but the guy there just said you can have that for free man. Its been sitting there since it was new and we never used it. Of course as soon as we got in the door i had it plugged in and was off to grab a lp to see if the record player worked still. Everything on this blaster works and its really quite a lot of fun. I mean a small portable record player and the price was sure right. Hope all you guys are doing well.


Member (SA)
Thanks man. Things have been kind of lame. It took the cops up here 6 months to figure out that i have no criminal record. I needed the check done so i could go to college to get my degree in social work. Six months of waiting because they just introduced a new system up here and the automated devices to do the check did not work. So they had to check thousands and thousands of these applications by hand. Needless to say i am pretty pissed about it. I missed all of my deadlines and am pretty much right back at square one.


Member (SA)
Great work, Bill! Good to see you back! How do those Panasonic's sound? Seen them a couple of times, but wasn't 100% sure of the model.

Socail work is only a stone's throw away from what I do, I'm a community development worker.
Best of luck, rocker!

Rock On.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Bill !! It's good to see you around again. Congratulations on the new bed and new boombox. :thumbsup:


I Am Legend
Gluecifer said:
Socail work is only a stone's throw away from what I do, I'm a community development worker.
Best of luck, rocker!

---------obama was a community development worker :-)
rick -- what exactly is your average day/week like -
ie --what do you do at work ??

sorry for the hi-jack , bill :-)


Member (SA)
build quality on this unit is cheapish on some levels. I mean its not heavy and it is fairly plasticy. However the unit is well thought out. i mean dealing with getting a lp into something seven inches took some clever thinking. there is very little in terms of tone control. not much bass here. The turntable seems like a pretty simple belt driven job with no bells or whistles. Soundwise its weaker than you want it to be. but for a tenish pound unit that plays records anywhere its a lot of fun. dont buy it for sound tho.


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
Gluecifer said:
Socail work is only a stone's throw away from what I do, I'm a community development worker.
Best of luck, rocker!

---------obama was a community development worker :-)
rick -- what exactly is your average day/week like -
ie --what do you do at work ??

sorry for the hi-jack , bill :-)

no worries ira hope you are well


Member (SA)
The number one priority in my role in my organisation is to develop and deliver training based on community need.
This is mainly IT oriented,which is usually the biggest gap to fill, so theres lots of computer related courses for people
that have never picked up a mouse through to people who want to know the ins and outs of specific programs.
The courses are short and focussed so that people don't have to commit to a full term and because I develop them as well
I can create a course, if I'm confident teaching it, based on people just walking in and saying they'd like to learn something
specific. We work on small number classes, so as long as 5-6 people want to do it can go ahead. It's very rewarding and
all my stuff is taught from a community development perspective, as opposed to what you get at a learning instution, it's a subtle
difference but basically means the goal is to empower someone rather than strictly learning from a course syllabus.

One of my organisations main mission statements is overcoming isolation in the community and I've found technology and
computers to be a great starting point for a lot of people who have found socialisation an issue. I teach the elderly (my oldest
student is 94) to those out of work, to disenfranchsied members of the community who are referred through other organisations
to everyone else. I did a class of entirely deaf students recently too that I used sign language translators for.
Thar was an awesome experience, I hope to get a regular deaf group going as soon as we can find some funding.

I also to a lot of advocacy at work too, pointing people in the right direction to people who can help them directly. My organisation
is a community centre and a lot of people don't know what happens at one, which means it's usually a place people call when they
need help or assistance and have no idea where to look for it. In that regard we don't know who's going to walk in the door or
call up with an issue and we try to get them pointed in the right direction. I alos do all the IT work at the centre, website, flyers, newspaper
advertising, voulnteer management, team building and liasing with alot of other organisations.

I was a volunteer at my community centre for about 7 years before I became employed. It was something I loved doing and figured
if I do it for long enough and get good enough at it they'll employ me one day, and they did! So now I've got my dream job!!

I wouldn't trade my job for anything, it was a 'calling' I kind of fell arse backwards into, but I'm eternally grateful for it happening.

Sorry for the hi-jack Bill!! But hey, blame Ira!

Rock On.


I Am Legend
thanks for that very interesting reply, rick -
and more thanks for your daily efforts to help all kinds of people
with all kinds of endeavors :angelic: :angelic:

what a rewarding choice for a career :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Oh yeah, I also have some specific clients I work with one on one whom I'm helping with long term projects. One is a man who rode around most of the planet in the mid 1950s on a Lambretta scooter and took several thousand slides, many of places through asia and the middle east that have changed drasitcally. As an historical record we're restoring these slides and will eventually build a website that will trace his travels along with his very entertaining stories. Another client was the very first female reporter in Singaporean history who worked in their biggest newspaper in the 60s and 70s. She's met many big politicians and celbrities over the years and was a big part of the early feminist movement in asia. I'm helping her write her memoires, doing lots of research and helping her with the project (I also work with other writing groups and projects and have helps publish a few books over the years too).

Rock On.


Member (SA)
Great "Buy one mattress get one boombox free" deal :thumbsup: . Congrats for both catches. Have fun using em Bill.

p.s.And Rick's job -great :yes: .
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