Rechargeable Batteries

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Member (SA)
What rechargeable batteries do you use‽ How do they work in a box with the output being 1.2V instead of 1.5V‽

I'm considering some 10000mAh Tenergy Ds. Does anyone use them‽

tenergyd.jpg ... 402&sr=1-2




Member (SA)
Rechargables is the way to go. It is an investment to start but well worth it. I just use the standard Energizer rechargables, which aren't really that great as far as how long they last (about the same as a regular alkaline D cell), but you can recharge them 100's of times. So they may cost you two or three times the price in the beginning but in the long run well worth the savings. The voltage rating of 1.2 is fine, no problems with any box I own. Battery reading on some boxes may be a touch lower but because they can put out until the very end, there is no drop out in sound until they are dead.


Member (SA)
hey fellas! :-)
can you tell how long they power your box?
I plan to buy some mobile energy for my 99bk kaboom. it says 43watts power consumption, so calculated that would be about 2h48min on 10ah capacity, but i guess that's just for full volume?
otherwise i would go for a car battery, deep cycle type, connected with an inline fuse. of course it is more to carry around, but you can get 20ah without problems way cheaper.

my calculations are following:

watts = volt * ampere
43 W = 12V * A
A = 3,58333

time = charge in ah / ampere consumed
h = Ah / A
2,79 h = 10 Ah / 3,583 A

does any of this make sense?

thanks! =)


Member (SA)
Your on the right track but it is not that easy. There are alot of variables and the box will not always draw the same wattage depending on what your running cd, tape, radio, sound level, bass level and so on. I'v never really timed how many hours I can get on my kaboom. A total guess, I would say listening to the radio or ipod which would provide the most bang for your buck (uses less current ) probably a good 6 to 8 at low volume but crank it up and maybe 2 hrs or less. I would imagine current doubles and triples with loud output. I use your run of the mill 2500mah energizers.


Member (SA)
thanks! :blush: *proud*

it would be mostly aux or radio, perhaps a cd with some mixes, too. The goal is to really get a night of good dancing/party with it. Think of a summer day, grilling from seven pm on and going home at three in the morning, or surfing and chilling at the beach from twelve to eight. This does of course not happen every day, but you would hate to have that ruined by batterylife, wouldn't you?

are your estimated times with your 2500mah batteries or with the 1000mah ones?

is there perhaps a thread that has this topic covered? I wouldn't want to bore you with old questions... :no:
or do those situations just not happen in reality, but only in my dreams? perhaps eight hours of music is just too much, when you're outside? sounds of the nature and silence are worth something, too... :huh:


Member (SA)
When I finally buy mine I'll get the tenergys or these
Batteryjunction sells some nice "smart" chargers that know when the batteries are full. It makes them have a longer lifespan.

Also if you really need portable power for a long haul consider a automotive jump box. Many of them have A/C outlets and I'd bet a fully charged one would run a Boomer for quite some time although I'm not sure how long.

Something like this

Lasonic TRC-920

I've been using Energizer rechargeable's for over a year, they are cool, but don't nearly last as long as Duracell's.

But on a fun night out with the blaster and they work great.

I have seen 11,000 mah rechargeable batteries for $33 for 2.

That's $330 to power your GF-777 plus a $60 charger.

So, for $400 you really will have rechargeable batteries that act like regular D cell batteries.


Member (SA)
I've been using 2300mah Ni-MH rechargeables for the last couple of years and I've just found out they've not got enough gumption to power a M90 properly.
They crap out sound-wise very quickly and the lifespan of them per charge is mayfly-esque.

I'm going to upgrade to these next week:


$120 for 20 + delivery, which I think is pretty rockin. Having enough rechargeables for two big radios at once will be pure luxury!
I'll definitely report the performance as soon as I can test em out.

Rock On.

Lasonic TRC-920

Gluecifer said:
I've been using 2300mah Ni-MH rechargeables for the last couple of years and I've just found out they've not got enough gumption to power a M90 properly.
They crap out sound-wise very quickly and the lifespan of them per charge is mayfly-esque.

I'm going to upgrade to these next week:

[ Image ]

$120 for 20 + delivery, which I think is pretty rockin. Having enough rechargeables for two big radios at once will be pure luxury!
I'll definitely report the performance as soon as I can test em out.

Rock On.

I'm very interested in how those do, they are a better price then the ones I was looking at. The ones I was looking at were for industrial applications and the guy at the battery store said they are very expensive, BUT they do work like standard D cells.

The bigger radio's like the 777 and the M90 are going to really pull hard. But they work great in the mid sized radios....excluding my Lasonic 920 which is a total battery PIG :-O

The best radio I've got on batteries is the Realistic SCR8. AWESOME radio!


Member (SA)
My kaboom use to drain fresh duracells for less than 2 hours :-/ . Love those 11k rechargeable but still damn expensive... And for kaboom.... need two sets for prolonged play so a lot of cash... Now im making my "battery deposit" and hopefully thill first warm weather will have enough for them :lol: ( finding really "must have" boombox can push me to snatch my "battery deposit" anyway :lol: ).


Member (SA)
The 1.2v vs. 1.5v difference sure can add up. In a 10 battery boomer, you're running that box on 12v rather than 15v, which I have found has a negative effect that really reveals itself when you push it loud.

I tried some of the Ray-o-Vac rechargeable alkalines (1.5v) and they did really well for about 2 years. Then they started leaking. I guess that's why they stopped making and selling them. I think I might pick up some of those batteries Glue pointed out, as well. That's much better than 2300mah ones that I tend to see on shelves around here.

I've also found that the M90 is a total battery hog. I try to run it off of wall power whenever I can. Even with full D-cells, running the tape deck at loud volume sucks them dry in nothing flat.

Out of my collection, I'm most pleased with the battery performance of these:

1) Aiwa TPR-950. This machine does quite a bit with only six batteries. They seem to last forever and there is not a massive drop off in performance when you unplug it from the wall. Amazing machine, but not nearly as loud as the M70

2) The M70 uses 10 D-cells, like the M90, but it is much more efficient and, IMHO you can go louder for much longer when on the move with the M90 as a result.

3) Panasonic RX-5150. Uses 8 D-cells that seem to last a very long time. But, both of the other boxes mentioned above sound much better. Volume wise it slots in between the two above, but sound quality wise it is definitely #3.


Member (SA)
At my jobsite, I listen to a Optimus 'supertuner III' type one speaker radio - mostly am sports talk... I can get a couple of weeks out of a set of energizer alkaline batteries. I've not yet thought about rechargeable batteries, but sounds like a decent investment. What kind of charger do you need for those beasts?

- Adam


Member (SA)
bigolac said:
At my jobsite, I listen to a Optimus 'supertuner III' type one speaker radio - mostly am sports talk... I can get a couple of weeks out of a set of energizer alkaline batteries. I've not yet thought about rechargeable batteries, but sounds like a decent investment. What kind of charger do you need for those beasts?

- Adam
I bit the bullet and purchased the Tenergy Ds at the top of this thread. It took 12 hours to fully charge the beasties to 1.383 V; they arrived at 1.22V but wouldn't operate my 931 MK III. I used this charger although smarter chargers might work better.

I also made some Gluecifer sleeves to keep them in check:

Sacrificial Purple Plastic Envelope


Operating Theater


Success! :-)


=m i l e s=


Member (SA)
Gluecifer said:
I'll definitely report the performance as soon as I can test em out.

Anything to report?

I'm in the market for some batteries and it's between the Beecrofts and the Tenergys (which I have and like very much).

:-O, I just realized that Beecrofts are only availble from AU, so looks like it's the Tenergys for me. Would stil like to hear how the Beecrofts work though.


=m i l e s=


Member (SA)
Thanks for reminding me, Miles!

After 3 months or so of constant use I've nothing but praise and high regard for my Beecrofts!

The best test was having them in my C100 for the last month or so. They outperformed the previous batteries I was using by a hell of a long way.
After a week or walking to work with her cranking on about 3.5/10 (which is LOUD), the batteries only registered about half empty.

My previous set would be struggling to make it to friday!

Happy to report the same story with my M90.

Ten of them are currently in my 777 as thats my current carry-around box, and the performance seems to be going even better thanks to the 777 being a bit more miserly with the power.

Highly recommend these battteries!

I'm sure the Beecrofts will be rebranded as something else in the u.s and eu too.

Rock On.
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