Recent Goodwill & Garage Sale Finds!!

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Member (SA)
Hi everyone-I got a Sony CFD-6 for like 2.99 at Goodwill last week & a cool Sony WM-FX38 Walkman for 1.99 also!

I was walking to Goodwill from the office I was at last week and there on the street on the way to Goodwill there was a yard sale.
Sure enough I spotted it-the only boombox there-A Panasonic LTD mono boombox & quite dirty for 1.00!!

It took 2 days when I had time and it cleaned up nicely,just missing the batttery cover but this thing sounds great!!It's heavy and looks cool-PA switch on side to!

The Walkman is really nice,it has polished metal covers for the cassette controls and a bass & Treble & mega bass! Very clean & all works!

The Sony CFD-6 was dirty but cleaned up nice,it all works to! :yes:

So fo about $6.00 I got lots of good junk!!
Have a great week-GB. :-) :yes: :cool: :surf:









Member (SA)
ViennaSound said:
Fatdog said:
That Panasonic for $1.00?! Yeah, I would have taken that one too. :yes:

:agree: can´t go wrong :-)

and the SONY you can use for easter [ Image ]

Hi Bobby & Roman-Yes the CFD-6 is an egg BUT it may be good for a outdoor radio or my brothers cabin or shed. :lol: :yes:
I have 2 CFD-8's now so one of those will be a cabin/shed donor! It's nice to have a clean 6 & a 8.

I really like the sound quality & how loud the Panasonic gets! :cool:
With a super tight budget lately these are good finds for me.
Thanks for your replies-Jeff. :-) :yes:
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