Just got the longest LEDs one piecer from Dave. My idea for a LED wall was nothing without one of the best looking VU boxes. I was so stupid and didnt think to buy a converter (never think that they dont have a AC selector ). But im really happy anyway. Just need to wait a little bit longer (im going to mod it whit internal converter). Ive reduced my collection a lot. Sold/ trade / presents my needle VU boxes (just two more are waiting to be send to :superduper: , sorry for the delay Norm , and Gerald, sorry kumpel , im broke right now , and dont have a smuggling friends in your directions , but will give my best to send em in a couple of weeks) Will keep just my TV combo Philips. So the hunt for LEDs is going on full throttle . Any help with ideas which boxes should i hunt for is = one beer .
Sorry for the crappy pictures .
And thanks Dave .
Sorry for the crappy pictures .
And thanks Dave .