Reactions from the general public

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Member (SA)
I'm curious what sort of experiences others have had who like to take their boxes out into the field and do some serious walking around - down the street, through a park, at a public event, whatever or wherever.

It's been so long since I did this, and now that I'm at it again I think it's bringing back a lot of fond memories in others. Taking it along the waterfront downtown has gotten the most reactions, but just about anywhere I go I'm making a difference in someone's day. Kids are staring with glazed-over eyes, their parents are smiling on. Some even break out in dance. Others yell requests. "Put it on your shoulder!" "How loud does it go?"

Of course, I'm toting an M70L so they're always impressed :-)


Member (SA)
Hi, is that the same Portland where one of the locals dresses as Darth Vader to the waist and wears an Irish kilt from there down as he rides around on his unicycle playing tunes from Star Wars on a set of bagpipes?

If so, then I can't see that wandering around carrying a boombox would attract much attention at all, unless of course you are the Unipiper and are seeking a new challenge. In that case, an M70 trumps a set of pipes any day of the week.


Member (SA)
Haha, yes that is the same one, I've seen him riding around down where I go by the Saturday Market :-) I've never seen anyone else with a box, which sort of surprises me, because you're right, there is certainly interest in them here!


Member (SA)
I like this thread.. thanks... i feel with you. My small GF 777 in some electric stores makes big reactions... how loud, WHAT it plays this great sound from a cassette ???... it works complete ??? cooool. where did you get it and how much ???
Kids *this is a very big radio and the parents or other older (~40 ) people feel back in the old times...
But the most people think *i'm crazy, and yes, i am :-)

And the most sentence what i hear is, *older electronic is the best :-)


Member (SA)
Well I once took my big tec super jumbo out on the town in Manchester here in england and got lots of peeps taking photos and asking if it was original lol :-D I then proceeded to a night club with it and the barstaff wanted it behind the bar for the night in exchange for copuple of free drinks. What a great night that was as I even bumped into another local collector and we chatted about our passion over a few drinks.I even managed to get the box home damage free in quiet an intoxicated state :yes: there was a good few cash offers on the box too that night but I refused lol.

I now live by the sea here on the east coast of England and take a box on the beach regularly, weather permitting. I get lots of questions asked, pics taken ect ect. The young generation seem to be most amazed calling my boxes SICK lol. I have had a few nasty looks off one or two elderly folk but who cares :lol: I would say it's a good 99% positivity I receive through my experiences :thumbsup:

Lasonic TRC-920

I have experienced everything from sheer happiness to excessive aggression while carrying a box.

Almost all has been positive with only limited negativity, but that negativity was extreme.

The young of course, have never seen these before so they think they are neat and new, people in their 40's-50's tend to have fond memories while people in their 60's and up remember these radio's as being a nuisance and a plague from the 1970's and 80's.

But one thing is for sure, when the situation is right, playing music for a crowd will usually bring out the best in people and for me, that's what I love most!


Member (SA)
I love that people want to take photos with you systemaddict, that's really touching :-) I need to head over to the beach with mine here, I'm not even an hour from the beach, no excuses :-)

I'm with ya Lasonic, I've had people just start breaking into dance as soon as they see it, it's pretty amazing! I try to play music that's currently popular or popular classics with wider appeal, so to avoid the negative reactions. And of course, I won't play it too loud depending on where I am.

I'm just glad to know that some of us are getting out there with our boxes - I see so many collectors that leave them on a shelf.


Member (SA)
BUT, drunken people, or people with drugs wants to push the dustcap, or make louder and louder...
Or drinks spilled on (in) the Blaster.

When you make party, watch on the blaster every minute.


Boomus Fidelis
oh my ex girlfriend called my pc 55 an antique , what a bitch !. still got the pc 55 though.
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