have observed from years of empirical evidence--
that spec FM stereo reception for any size//type DC powered box
( from walkman thru biggie grail)
depends on top spec battery voltage...
ie if the set of batteries is putting out any less than the rated voltage-
the tuner performance drops off dramatically ( like to shitte)
surely tuners dont require a big amp draw -
but they really NEED full voltage... right ?
with a set of semi-weak batteries -
i can play my boomers LOUD- and with ALL the bass -
and the decks work to speed and fine
and the AM radio is very strong
its only the FM that dies FAST !!!
can any of you tech guys confirm - via science that this is always the case ??
that spec FM stereo reception for any size//type DC powered box
( from walkman thru biggie grail)
depends on top spec battery voltage...
ie if the set of batteries is putting out any less than the rated voltage-
the tuner performance drops off dramatically ( like to shitte)
surely tuners dont require a big amp draw -
but they really NEED full voltage... right ?
with a set of semi-weak batteries -
i can play my boomers LOUD- and with ALL the bass -
and the decks work to speed and fine
and the AM radio is very strong
its only the FM that dies FAST !!!
can any of you tech guys confirm - via science that this is always the case ??