Radiola D8718 (Philips)

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Member (SA)
Hi all,

Here is my new toy, freshly arrived at home.
Radiola is an old french brand, wich belonged a long time to Philips, and disappeared in 2002...
So there is a lot of Philips stuff which has been rebadged Radiola here in France.

This D8718 is in good condition, but suffers the dead gear problem : The tape recorder is playing (very well), but no ffwd or rwd.
So I have to find and replace this dead gear.
That box is huge, much bigger than my M9998 or my TRK-9150, and I like the way it looks.



By the way, one of these little part wich secure the speakers is missing, I will post later in the search topic...



Member (SA)
This is very similar to my Philips D8734 which is a twin-deck. Mine is also missing one of those speaker connector plugs on the side so I've made-do with some short coach bolts for the time-being. I do agree they are huge though! I'm not sure if mine has the same gear problem as I've not had a chance to really play around with it, I think it needs re-belting (don't they all!) and I'll go from there.



Member (SA)
MyOhMy said:
Very nice, very nice indeed. Is THIS the gear you are looking for?
Yes, but I finally bought a set of gears to a russian guy, cause I'll certainly need the other gear (for the play fonction af another Philips)...
lupogtiboy said:
This is very similar to my Philips D8734 which is a twin-deck. Mine is also missing one of those speaker connector plugs on the side so I've made-do with some short coach bolts for the time-being. I do agree they are huge though! I'm not sure if mine has the same gear problem as I've not had a chance to really play around with it, I think it needs re-belting (don't they all!) and I'll go from there.

I did that too, and that's far better than the original and fragile plastic screw. The speakers are too heavy for only 2 little plastic screws, plus there is no locking system... When the box arrived home, while unpacking it, I hold it by the speakers, and everything felt on the floor !!! :blink: One speaker kept a mark of the accident on one edge, but nothing really visible !
With the new screws, when tightened, you have to exerce some pression to put or remove the speakers. Great improvment !!! :-D




Member (SA)
I bought mine in a charity shop so I had to carry it around whilst out shopping! Was tricky with one clip missing as every time someone walked in to me, a speaker almost fell it weighs a ton!!
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