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Member (SA)
Ok im wondering do u like the look of ur box with the handle and antennas up or do u prefer handle down with just antennas up? Personally i like antennas down with handle up.


Boomus Fidelis
I tend to have the handles up but antennas down ,only because the antennas get in the way and that's how most get bent or broken. Now they look cooler with the antennas up .


Boomus Fidelis
I prefer the look of both up but there’s never enough height on the shelves to put the aerials up properly so mine are on show with just the handle up


Member (SA)
Unfortunately space forced me from going antennas and handles up to handles and antennas down. Now the space on my wall is maxed out and it does not look one bit worse than before. :)
But in general: handle definitely up!


Member (SA)
Looks like we are all in unison for the most part.

Handle up (because it emphasizes portability), antennas up (because it pulls in stations and people to look) it's the ears of the box :-)
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