Question about big two

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Member (SA)
I can't stop thinking why was it that two biggest and most inovative companies PHILIPS and SONY, left not much of the trace in the boombox world.
I‘m not well informed, but as much as I know, none of those two companies has produced a single mid-size or larger boombox that could match JVC, TOSHIBA, HITACHI, SHARP etc.
All that I‘ve seen were really bad desings with poor attempts to attract attention by overdimensioning or simply being different by any cost, just to be different, even if it matters pure ugliness, lack of charm, style and elegance, ridiculing of shape and position of parts, bad color combinations and much more I could mention.
I am asking why, yet I secretly hope for a reply with some models that I simply haven't seen.
Instead of starting two topics, let me ask in this one, why FISHER - my most favorite desing and style-wise company, also underachieved in the area of single-piece midsize or larger bboxes? I adore their sense for details, color combination, proportions, finish... Their minis are fantastic, as well as 3 piecers, but I still haven't seen midsize or larger FISHER. Perhaps they exist, but the hype about JVC and orher most wanted collector‘s models is simply keeping them out of the light?

I‘d like to thank in advance to all who reply on these philosophical questions. :)


I Am Legend
check our sony #s 580 and fh7 for great style and extreme quality
and philips made at least a dozen totl gorgeous boxes


Member (SA)
jimmyjimmy19702010 said:
Sure Sony had their own way of doing things but they did make quality units - just look at the beautiful CFS-85. Simply stunning!!
OH WOW....I love this box. I love all the lights :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Thanks for all the replies.

Well, I‘m huge fan od SONY FH series, but those are micro-component systems.
Single-piece midsize boxes they made are just like PHILIPS‘ - overdimensioned parts, , especially the speakers, extravagant simplicity without a meaning, lack of details and poor desing altogether. As if they had no concept and their own design philosophy, but just kept on trying to stand out with design that should have been compatible with their quality, but it wasn't. They were like SAAB - ugly cars with superb quality.
I really can't pick any of those you guys posted as examples as something I like. PHILIPS was overdimensioned and sterile, while SONY units look like some heavy-duty equipment without any style. Especially the early and mid-80s. It seams as if SONY walkmans and SONY FH series were desjgned by someone who had no influences on design of their midsize bboxes.


Member (SA)
I think if anything, Sony wanted to stick out. These look unlike any other boombox out there. I don't think they wanted that same box look every other brand was going for. I agree, I wish they had "the look" but these are actually pretty sweet looking boxes, especially the first Sony fresh produce posted. I'm looking into acquiring more Sony stuff, especially from the FH series. Ugh what beauties.



Member (SA)
This is Fisher's largest model the 490( member Stereomad's photo). It's similar in size to the Conion C-100f and pretty loud too.



Member (SA)
7 pics altogether. 2 three-piecers and 1 mini.
That only comfirms my disappointment explained in opening post.


New Member
Styleking said:
This is Fisher's largest model the 490( member Stereomad's photo). It's similar in size to the Conion C-100f and pretty loud too.

That's fisher was one of my doubles, they are very nice units :-)


Member (SA)
Styleking said:
This is Fisher's largest model the 490( member Stereomad's photo). It's similar in size to the Conion C-100f and pretty loud too.
I love it "and pretty loud too". Unluss my 492 is louder than other examples, I would hate to hear what you consider very loud.


Member (SA)
There were quite a lot of nice Sony boxes produced. Bold styling and high build quality.
Phillips boxes I have always thought then and now that they were pretty bland and unexciting, lacking in charisma. Apart from the 'Elephant' models with the square grilles I always liked those.

Member Michiel's picture....

Lasonic TRC-920

The Sony 99 is fricken HUGE. It's not super jumbo territory, but it's BIG, with 8 inch woofers and all the build quality you could ever want!


Member (SA)
Philips invented the boombox in 1966 by combining a radio and cassette-recorder in a single device. Later they put their effort in other new things like CD etc. However they innovated in boomboxes, but they concentrated on cheap production methods, cutting production time and costs and reducing parts. Not the things we like as nowadays collectors, but they were innovative :)


Requiem Æternam
Michiel said:
Philips invented the boombox in 1966 by combining a radio and cassette-recorder in a single device. Later they put their effort in other new things like CD etc. However they innovated in boomboxes, but they concentrated on cheap production methods, cutting production time and costs and reducing parts. Not the things we like as nowadays collectors, but they were innovative :)
so agree they were the innovators
The Japanese are great at then taking what is there and tweaking it
but innovators are important
I have never owned a philips except my toothbrush
again its pretty amazing
But design was not their thing
thats where the jap boxes won
yes elephant boxes are crazy industrial i like


Member (SA)
nikonfoo said:
so agree they were the innovators
The Japanese are great at then taking what is there and tweaking it
but innovators are important
I have never owned a philips except my toothbrush
again its pretty amazing
But design was not their thing
thats where the jap boxes won
yes elephant boxes are crazy industrial i like
Sony were great Japanese innovators too! They were at the forefront. Sony and Philips had quite a lot of common projects.

Philips problem was not their products. They were pretty awesome and smart at the time. The design were also refreshing. Their biggest flaw has always been the marketing of their products.


Member (SA)
Well,gosh I guess some people are hard to impress.The bottom 2 Sony's are pretty darn sweet.Granted they lack a transporter or tractor beam technology but they sure look big enuff to me and have all the slider and pott controls a guy or gal could want.JMHO;)
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