practical uses for an old cassette jambox

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
That was a nice read, Danny. Music really is different when listening to it on tape versus iPod / hard drive. :yes:

By the way... nice pickin'. :cool:


Member (SA)
i agree with the ipod thing. since my last ipod died, i have been using my cassette walkman and that's it. all of a sudden i find that i am listening to whole albums! funny that. :-)
great article. i already implement a lot of the points you made in there! escpecially for recording music.


Member (SA)
I also record Internet audio streams directly to cassette; so much more fun and better sounding than an mp3 file!! But of course I do the recording on my home component decks! :-)


Member (SA)
I do enjoy the different sound characteristics of a cassette tape from time to time. I must admit that most of my listening is done via mp3 player or internet music streaming. Most of my cassettes are pre-recorded and when you can find a chrome or metal one, the sound is excellent.
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