post your boombox history growing up

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Member (SA)
in 1987 age ten i asked my parents for a ghettoblaster-i was only ten years old so didnt care what it was just that i wanted one.....did i get one?no.i ended up with a cheapo alba midi system forward to 1999 and i was 21.walking in my local town and a new second hand shop had opened up.i went in,and something on the top shelf caught my was a huge boombox.back then i just knew it was a boombox,and didnt have a passion for them,but thinking back now it was massive,bigger than an m90 and was silver.i dread and it hurts me to think it but im sure it was a c100.there was a big note on it saying....."needs a lot of work.....£10".well i had come with no cash,apart from some loose change.i asked the owner if he would hold it for me with the loose change,and i would be back.he flatly refused,so i left the store,gutted.i went back the following day with a tenner to get it and it was gone.the shop owner told me it had gone within half an hour of me seeing it.the more i think about it the more im convinced it was a conion.
so anyway,on again to about 5 years ago-went into my local charity shop to pick a new video recorder.sat at the back of the shelf was a hitachi trk 3d8e-which i bought on the spot and forgot about the video recorder.and thus this started my love and passion for the ghettoblaster.ive since had about 200,including m90,m80,m70,gf9696,gf9797,super jumbo j1 and the like.currently i have several,including sanyo m7900,pro line 6 speaker deal,trk 8080 and gf8989.


Member (SA)
and the latest to the collection?yesterday i got an almost mint sharp gf9090 from a mate of mine-for free!i got it for free because the deck door was detached from the unit-but i soon got home and put that back on-all i have to now is give it a little dusting and here we have another great box-and the second 9090 ive ever had!!!!!


Member (SA)
first boombox i bought with my own money was a mono sharp, from about 1980.

didnt take long for me to upgrade so the next was a panny RXF35, i found this pic a few weeks ago - it was taken around 1983 i rekon.

after a few years i went stupid & sold it for a big sharp unit. i cant remember much about it except it was louder than the panny, but sound quality was much worse :thumbsdown: it also was a dual tape player but it was unusual in that the tape players were in a back to back arrangement if anyone remembers those.
anyway good thread :thumbsup:



Member (SA)
Andy_from_Perth said:
first boombox i bought with my own money was a mono sharp, from about 1980.

didnt take long for me to upgrade so the next was a panny RXF35, i found this pic a few weeks ago - it was taken around 1983 i rekon.

after a few years i went stupid & sold it for a big sharp unit. i cant remember much about it except it was louder than the panny, but sound quality was much worse :thumbsdown: it also was a dual tape player but it was unusual in that the tape players were in a back to back arrangement if anyone remembers those.
anyway good thread :thumbsup:

[ Image ]

Love the joystick!!!


Boomus Fidelis
Family couldn't afford any when I was a kid. And I never bought one for myself until after college, and it was one of those shitty yellow waterproof Sonys
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