I was at my local Napa the other day browsing around while waiting for my parts and saw something that made me think hmmmm. Little round blindspot stick on mirrors. They had them in 3" but I found 2" ones too at my local Ace Hardware. Extricated them from their plastic bezel and weighed them. 9.4 grams for the 3" and 4.3 grams for the 2" compared to a 3" mylar from a dead woofer @ 1.6 gram and a aluminum JBL style 3-1/4" @ 3 grams. Had a MCM 55-3231 8" I was doing testing on and decided to try the 3" on it. Centered it and ran a pencil around the mirror and put a decent bead of E-6000 glue on the line and put it in place with a valve lapper(wood handle with suction cups on the end). Well let me tell you I think it looks great! The sound however with this speaker is different. With a 150hz low pass coil it sounds good maybe a little less efficient because of the weight but with a bass heavy eq it bottoms out. Never did that before, probably also due to the added weight. Now without the crossover It sounds absolutely horrible! My theory is the mirror is resonating severely at about the 3000-5000hz and is down right painful at high volume. Sooo, with this speaker maybe because of the poly cone...perhaps a paper cone or maybe the 2" would have better results not sure yet, more testing is required. Just wanted to throw this out there knowing what a PITA shiny dustcaps are to find, Got a couple from fried woofers but don't have the heart to do dust cap- ectomy on a healthy speaker so always thinking of alternatives.