When I bought a lipo for my boombox, I calculated it like this:
The lipo has a capacity of 5000mAh, the boombox draws 22w at max and functions on 12v
5000 / ((22/12) * 1000) * 0.7
≈ 1.9 hours
I hope this is the right formula otherwise my boombox's battery life will be crap
Applying it to your powerbank is quite difficult, because I can't find all the information.
I guess they achieved the 110v output using an inverter, but that will cause energy losses.
I recommend running it directly from dc. Here is a powerbank that looks good to me
This can be used to run your boombox directly from dc.
Calcultating runtime from a powerbank like this is above my expertise, but I'll try.
There probably is a voltage regulator in there.
I suspect they are using a single lithium cell or multiple ones in series. So the capacity indicated is for ~3.7v
A battery's voltage and capacity are strongly related. This powerbank can deliver 34200mA for one hour at 3.7-4.2v
Then the voltage regulator comes in:
Your boombox consumes 25W. that means you'll pull approx 25W from the power bank (voltage regulator). P = U*I I = 25/12
≈ 2A
But, the voltage regulator pulls this same wattage (excluding losses of the regulator) from the cell(s). Those are ~3.7v
This time, I = 25/3.7 = 6.7A = 6700mA
We can now finally calculate battery life:
34200 / 6700 * 0.7
≈ 3.5 hours
Edit: this result looks like a worse case scenario.
Let's calculate with a full battery:
I = 25/4.2 = 5.95A
34200 / 5950 * 0.7
≈ 4 hours
Remember, these calcultations are for a 25W boombox at full volume, you'll get way longer battery life at lower volumes.