PLAY button pops up.

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Member (SA)
Hey guys. I bought this boombox last year and it worked fine. But after some time play button started popping up. When i press play to listen to the cassette everything plays for 5seconds and then the button pops and the music stops. Ive just finished painting this machine and ive put it back today. Everything worked well for 2minutes, but then the button problem occured. Could you please help me? I can only listen to the radio now (and most of the stations suck, cause they play POP al the time).
Your help is highly appreciated.

Oh and its a sharp gf 6060


Well-Known Member
Staff member
It could be

1 belts
2) capstan tire is crap
3) rubber tires that work with the flywheel need cleaning

Have you opened the boombox yet to take a look at what might be the cause?


Member (SA)
Fatdog said:
It could be

1 belts
2) capstan tire is crap
3) rubber tires that work with the flywheel need cleaning

Have you opened the boombox yet to take a look at what might be the cause?

Yes i did. Its opened right now and im looking for the cause of it. And i think i found it. One of the "towers" that spin the tape dont have any rubber left around it so the wheel that is suposed to spin it is not reaching it. So the tape is not playing. Could this be the problem? Ill upload some pics tommorow


Boomus Fidelis
It is the wheel attached to the sensor that activates the auto stop mechanism. Basically the auto stop is controlled with a spinning magnet under a sensor. When the magnet stops, the auto stop mechanism activates. If that belt on the take up reel axle connected to the magnetic spinning wheel is broken or loose, it will stop the cassette mechanism. :yes: :yes: :yes: It is one common problem with all the Sharps and many other cassette players. :yes: :yes:

Make sure to take out the flywheel out and lubricate the bushes with white Lithium grease without losing the teflon washers on either side of it. :-D


Member (SA)
So these are the pictures of what i think is the cause of this. I have already replaced the ruber around the "tower" and going to replace the one on the metal pin.




Member (SA)
is it possible to somehow trick the machine into thinking that the cassette is not over. because i dont seem to find where to get rubber replacement for the thing on the metal pin


Member (SA)


Member (SA)
So i went to the local RC shop and bought myself a silicon 5X2X1000 tube. i installed it and ..... EVERYTHING IS WORKING !!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Im so happy. Thank you guys a lot. I dont what i would have done without Your help. It turned out to be pretty easy. :yes: Thanks again. Oh and i attached some photos of my boomy. Its my first time painting a contraption like this so its not much, but im happy with it. What do You guys think?





Well-Known Member
Staff member
Yay! I'm glad you were able to repair the GF-6060, Kinietis11. :yes: :thumbsup: Mrs. Fatdog would love the paint job. Mario and Luigi FTW!


Member (SA)
Fatdog said:
Yay! I'm glad you were able to repair the GF-6060, Kinietis11. :yes: :thumbsup: Mrs. Fatdog would love the paint job. Mario and Luigi FTW!

:D im really glad. It still needs coin stickers and i want to add a pipe on one side of the box.


Member (SA)
Ive encountered 1 more problem. When i add a cassette it always spins out the tape. I cant even listen to it for 5second. Whats the problem?
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