Pioneer SK-550 for $46

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Member (SA)
Did someone on here get that box on ebay a few minutes ago? I had a reminder on my phone to pull it, looked at it 5 minutes before it ended but was back into work, only to forget to check on it to bid and it went for 46. DAMN. Never had a Pioneer and that seemed pretty cool to be my first for a good price.

Stupid work always getting in my way. arg!

Old school Scott

Member (SA)
It was me!! :thumbsup:
I saw one go for 59.95 a ways back and it killed me a little inside.
I have always wanted this beautiful box that looks like a control board from a spaceship.
I hope you get the next one.

Cheers OSS :afro:


Member (SA)
OK, well I feel better that someone on here got it. Just can't believe I had it all pulled up in the browser and all ready to go with minutes left and I got back into work and forgot about it for 2 minutes too long.


Member (SA)
m40dotcom said:
Did someone on here get that box on ebay a few minutes ago? I had a reminder on my phone to pull it, looked at it 5 minutes before it ended but was back into work, only to forget to check on it to bid and it went for 46. DAMN.

and thats the risk you take when you snipe bid !

Congrats OSS, im sure you are going to love it :yes:


Boomus Fidelis
m40dotcom said:
Did someone on here get that box on ebay a few minutes ago? I had a reminder on my phone to pull it, looked at it 5 minutes before it ended but was back into work, only to forget to check on it to bid and it went for 46. DAMN. Never had a Pioneer and that seemed pretty cool to be my first for a good price.

Stupid work always getting in my way. arg!

That's happened to me more times than I can count but I've taken care of that using JBidwatcher. As long as I remember to set my bid and leave my computer on it hasn't failed me yet.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Tribute to the SK-550's in da house!




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