Pioneer repairs

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Member (SA)
Picked this up pretty cheap off Epay recently. Must have been a sleeper or no one
else wanted it :huh:

It did look to be in a sad way when i got it but after a good clean of the components
and a general tidy up it started to come together :-)

I started on it last nite but my camera went flat and i was too impatient to wait for it
to charge so i didnt really get many before pics for everyone to see.

This was when i started before my camera went flat,




Back together for now with cassette section working :-)




Here is what needs to be sorted out....
I have a very basic plan for fixing this part.
My idea was to cover the very corner section only, where the damage is,
with a sticker, perhaps with the Pioneer emblem on it.
Basic but i think it will work well :yes:
I just need to find one :hmmm:


The tops of the speakers will need to be repainted.
I have a friend who may be able to do this for me.


And some damage on the side of one speaker.
Not too sure what to do here yet but i think it will work out ok.


And of course the speakers will need to be fixed.
I know there is no replacements for these so im not sure what would be
the best option ??
Prime, if you have any suggestions at all for any of these repairs it would be
great to hear them, or anyone else that has any ideas too.

Thanks in advance



Staff member
Wow. I didn't see this on ebay but it's very nice looking. Ribbon tweeters too! That's a very high end box you have there.

The top -- maybe you can use a router and with a custom made template, shave off the ventilation slats. then from the underside, glue a flat piece of perforated metal grid underneath to replace the cut off piece, paint it silver and I'll bet (1) it'll look right at home like it's always been there and (2) it will ventilate the boombox even better!

The speaker sides, looks to be simply fabric material. You can buy speaker fabric in all kinds of colors.


Member (SA)
Was that the one from Melbourne AZA? That's the only one I remember seeing a few months back,.. it was up when I had zero funds available.. I remember the rings being fallen off the speakers in the photos.

She should clean up great!

Is brother Prime still doing the refoaming services for these units?

I've every confidence you'll get her all fixed up AZA, good luck!

Rock On.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Prime will be so proud of you AZA. :-) That's an awesome looking box even with the few cosmetic flaws it has. I remember Prime doing a write-up on the speaker refoaming. Maybe it's posted somewhere on S2G. Of course, it might be worth it to get the master to do it for you. ;-)


Member (SA)
Superduper said:
Wow. I didn't see this on ebay but it's very nice looking. Ribbon tweeters too! That's a very high end box you have there.

The top -- maybe you can use a router and with a custom made template, shave off the ventilation slats. then from the underside, glue a flat piece of perforated metal grid underneath to replace the cut off piece, paint it silver

A good idea and i have often thought of doing similar for other repairs on boomboxes, but im not
that hands on im afraid :sadno:

ford93 said:
For the speaker enclosure maybe some epoxy might work.

Ford,I was thinking of replacing the section all together, its a wierd material but i will see if i can
find something that i can cut and put in place. Then i will have to do the same on the other speaker
so they match, even though the other one is fine :hmmm:

Gluecifer said:
Was that the one from Melbourne AZA? That's the only one I remember seeing a few months back,..

I think thats the one Glue :yes: i didnt think it was that long ago, but it takes me
a while to get round to working on them so it may have been :-/
If i remeber rightly they had pickup only, so i have a friend who was going
to pick it up for me but in the end they said they would post it.

Fatdog said:
Prime will be so proud of you AZA. :-) That's an awesome looking box even with the few cosmetic flaws it has. I remember Prime doing a write-up on the speaker refoaming. Maybe it's posted somewhere on S2G. Of course, it might be worth it to get the master to do it for you. ;-)

Thanks FD, yes im hoping Prime will pop in and give me a few ideas :yes:
The only problem i can see is that one of the silver rings maybe missing, someone may have
opened up the speaker box before and took it out :thumbsdown: I will have to open it up and see
if it hasnt just fallen in the back, i hope so.

ViennaSound said:
:-O wow, really impressive unit :w00t:
Great one , love it. :breakdance:

Cheers VS :thumbsup:

Thanks for the input guys :yes: :yes:


Staff member
WOW!!! Excellent find! I got mine from the land down under. These can be fixed as well. There is a very stiff high density foam used for protective mats that can be used for the side baffles. Don't know if you'll find a color match though. And as far as the speakers go...well, there are no repir kits but as the 'Dog mentioned, there is a way.

Good Luck! :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
oldskool69 said:
WOW!!! Excellent find! I got mine from the land down under. These can be fixed as well. There is a very stiff high density foam used for protective mats that can be used for the side baffles. Don't know if you'll find a color match though. And as far as the speakers go...well, there are no repir kits but as the 'Dog mentioned, there is a way.

Good Luck! :thumbsup:

Thanks oldsckool, i will check my local Clarke Rubber store for a high density foam like you mentioned, sounds like that could be the go !
Question is, if i dont find a matching colour, do i redo all the remaining originals to match ???

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
Great radio Aza i have always wanted one, but as for repairing those speakers that would be beyond me.

I sure hope you get her up and running, i think the way to go is asking prime.

BTW always wanted to know, do these run on battries if so how many? :-)


Member (SA)
Thats quite the find you have there. Super rare for sure, especially the reverb component!
I thought mine was the last one left on the planet. ;-)

The acoustic dampers(on the side of the speaker) are made of a semi-permeable foam. It allows
air to pass through it but with resistance. Mid-bass passes right through but no huffing and puffing.

Trying to locate the same foam to recapture the original sound would be difficult. Since the hole isn't that big,
plugging it up should have no effect on the acoustic characteristics of the enclosure.

The rings are essentially just thick paper with chrome on one side. Easy to make. They are glued on
top of the center surround. When the foam decays the rings fall off.

The outer surrounds can be fixed. Shoot me a PM when you like, AZA.

They do run on batteries. All CK series boomboxes get their portable power from the tapedeck component. It houses 10 D cells. The model pictured above has the CT-C3 deck which takes D cells directly. Other tape decks(like CT-C7and CT-C8) require the battery pack which bolts onto the back and also takes 10 cells.


Member (SA)
Fatdog said:
It's nice to have our own Pioneer expert in the house. :-)

Yes it is :yes:
Thanks Prime, great to hear your response. PM on the way.
Also thanks for answering Rimmer's question.

Rimmer, fixing most things is a bit beyond me :lol: im sure most
my boxes need some kind of work that i cant do myself :-/

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
AZA said:
Fatdog said:
It's nice to have our own Pioneer expert in the house. :-)

Yes it is :yes:
Thanks Prime, great to hear your response. PM on the way.
Also thanks for answering Rimmer's question.

Rimmer, fixing most things is a bit beyond me :lol: im sure most
my boxes need some kind of work that i cant do myself :-/

Same here my friend like i have stated before i can do an m90, about the only other box i can do is the sk909 and thats only the michanical side, when it comes to electronics im usless :lol:

Thanks for answering my questions prime ide sure love one of those big pioneers but i somehow doubt ill ever find one.


Boomus Fidelis
you could fix the speaker cabinet with some 1/4 inch thick plexi glass or lexan just do the same thing to both speakers ,and paint the lexan silver to match the box .
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