Pioneer CK series on ebay. Buyer beware.

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Member (SA)
Hi all. I was browsing eBay and came across a Pioneer CK series boombox being sold from China.
This box has the flat woofer speakers(CS-C11).
Type in Pioneer and boombox and you'll find it.

or click here

The seller states the unit is in normal working condition. This is NOT true.
I can easily tell from the pictures since I own all of these units already.

The units woofer surrounds are rotted which yields no bass in its current condition.
The only thing holding the diaphragms in place is the voice coil.
When played it will sound scratchy with no bass at all.

On the upside, its an incredible boombox that would sound awesome if restored. It is
comparable to the output of a Telefunken Studio 1 / 1M.
Surrounds are not available for this unit anymore so replacement surrounds must
be fabricated which is a very difficult task.

Just looking out for my fellow boomboxery members. - brett


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Thanks for the info, Brett. ;-) One good thing too, is it's coming from Peppin. I think it might be slightly overpriced in its current condition though. But, if someone has the money and patience to restore it, that person will have one hell of a boombox! :yes:


Boomus Fidelis
it states in the listing that the speaker foams are bad , it also states that the sound output is normal which i find to be impossible with rotted surrounds :nonono: .

i don't think peppin would lie intentionally ,maybe it sounds normal to him :dunce: .


Member (SA)
I just purchased a National from Peppin. It arrived in exactly the codition he said it would


Member (SA)
Kenpat said:
I just purchased a National from Peppin. It arrived in exactly the codition he said it would

Same here, and mine needed repairs as stated in the ad. I needed superdupers help to get it working again.

Why is a lot of his stuff damaged in one way or another?

In peppins defense, by sound output I think he means wattage. As in, the amp works fine. This compares to some of his other listings where one channel would not be working. :dunce:


Member (SA)
All in all I am glad he lists. He has brought many rare boxes to collectors that otherwise would have never found their grails.


Staff member
restocat said:
Why is a lot of his stuff damaged in one way or another?

Actually, I thought about this a lot and always had the feeling that he only sells off the stuff he can't fix, has issues he can't correct, or has physical damage he can't live with.
So in other words, eBay is his dumping ground. But I only suspect this since I don't think I ever saw him list a minty no-issue box.

Even if this were true, however, I still think he makes an honest effort to provide full disclosure. Just keep in mind that there may be a language barrier here.


Member (SA)
Its true that peppin has provided many boxes that would otherwise be unavailable.

One other small detail...

This box will not run on 10 D cells.
It has the CT-C7 tape deck which requires
the CR-C71 battery pack which bolts onto the the back of the deck.
The pack itself houses the 10 D cells.

Only units with the CT-C3 and CT-C8 tape decks will take 10 D cells directly.


Member (SA)
I have never even seen that box before. Thanks for the warning. I have purchased a few Pioneer's from people on Ebay and luckily have not had any issues. Good looking out.


Member (SA)
Great Box, and rare! I have purchased from Peppin many times, I would guess ten or so over the years, he is much more reliable than any other seller from China I think...


Member (SA)
Mr Prime. I don't know why you'd keeping tab on my Pioneer that listed on eBay. Of coz you can disagree with my personal judgement on the existing condition of this Pioneer box. Unlike those other China seller, I'm from Hong Kong and had been in Ebay trade since 2003. I consistently list my boombox items and descibe all the details... including all its good & bad condition and never hide anything on it. I know you're the collector of the Pionner CK boombox series and it you think my Pionner is not that satisfy.. just leave your hands off... PLEASE..


Member (SA)
Peppin, if Prime was wrong why did you change your listing? It is impossible to have rotten foam and normal output, as you had originally stated in the listing.

Prime, as probably the person with the most knowledge on the Pioneer CK series was just informing forum members to what was a inaccurate description, it was not personal against you, but a fair and accurate warning to fellow members.


Boomus Fidelis
JVC Floyd said:
i don't think peppin would lie intentionally ,maybe it sounds normal to him :dunce: .

:agree: maybe Peppin has never heard a properly working version which would mean he has nothing to judge it against as far as sound quality. Peppin has had a good reputation over many years, I would trust him over the bulk of the chinese sellers who seem to have limitless GF-777's.
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