This store was an odd place. Antiques on the main floor and mostly unsorted shite in the basement. I'd never been in it before. They had a couple audio pieces on the main floor and when they saw I was interested, told me to check downstairs for more. They had a lot of rack system garbage, white vannish-style speakers, stuff like that. There was a box on the floor with several portable cassette players and I almost didn't look in it. Glad I did! I kept looking for any accessories but the WM-D6C is all I found. I probably should have counter-offered $3 but I was so stunned I just payed & left. I am going to go back and look again. If I get real lucky, the case & strap are somewhere in another box.
I have had a number of excellent decks over the years (Nak BX-300, a/d/s/ C4) and know when a deck is getting the most out of a cassette. This thing is really shocking in how good it performs. After reading some posts on it, I believe it when stated that it easily replaced a full-size machine. I really like it. As an aside, I've had some good luck in stumbling over somewhat rare gear. I think it is because so few outside of the enthusiast realm know what stuff is anymore. I got this piece at my town's transfer station, aka dump. Not a Walkman but some might appreciate it nevertheless -