As I understand it...
Originally, Philips was sued by Philco and ordered not to use its name in the U.S. Too similar; could cause confusion. That's why Philips invented Norelco (NORth American PhiLips COrporation). When Philips bought out Magnavox in 1974, it put that name on its consumer electronics. The Magnavox name was already well known and respected. When Philips was finally able to use its corporate name, it made the transition by using Philips-Magnavox for a while. Now, the Philips name is as ubiquitous in the U.S. as it is in the rest of the world. Meanwhile, Magnavox has been revived here as a line of low-end consumer electronics, while Norelco survives as the name on the company's rotary shavers (though they're now Philips-Norelco) because Norelco shavers have such an iconic history in the U.S.
Unfortunately, when it was using the Magnavox name, Philips never brought its full line of portable electronics into this country. Only a select few. And, as far as I know, the D8514 wasn't one of them.