A couple days ago I was skateboarding on my way home with The Juicer (Goldstar TCR-341) hanging across my shoulder; I couldn’t help but grin when I saw a huge cardboard box sitting in front of the door. Like a kid on Christmas I pick up the box and immediately went inside. With a pair of scissors on hand, I spent the next 10 minutes ripping, slicing, and pulling my way towards my goal took a little while to open the box since it was packed for doomsday. At long last I was finally finished and was able to gaze at the beauty in front of me. This beautiful fine looking boom box could only be the JVC RC 550 W or El Diablo. It took me about two years of collecting to get this beast since it always managed to slip through my fingers several time, but not this time thanks to the wonderful Redbenjoe who hooked me up with my grail box and a cool reel tape.