Hi Guys!!
Today was time to get this big beast working properly!!
You may remember I mentioned in the original post that the cassette deck motor servo was completely inaccessible without somehow taking it apart & removing the tape mechanism & running it while open so the servo pot could be reached
Yeah, a daunting task indeed!!
The psu is mounted in the rear casing along with power amp & lots of cables between the two, the tape deck had to be split from it's pcb to access the flywheel due to a somewhat slow & unstable playback
I then removed the belt & flywheel & found that the flywheel bearing was bone dry & the flywheel didn't spin freely at all - drop of fine oil on the capstan shaft sorted that problem out
All the rubber wheels & bits were cleaned while it was so apart & I then temporarily screwed the tape deck pcb back in place still pondering on how I was gonna run this thing all in pieces
Around half an hour later it was time to power it up after I only connected the minimal amount of cables from the deck to the power amp which also had to connect to the tape pcb!
All this balanced up using tea towels & towels to avoid boards touching chassis or other boards - this bloody thing has an entire pressed steel chassis, no wonder it's so heavy!!
Headphones already plugged in - speaker outputs not connected & anyway, phones are easier - placed a tape in & hit play................f**k me it was playing with a buzz or 2 due to earth & screening wires not plugged in & of course, really bloody slow
That was no longer a problem as I had access to the servo in the motor..........in no time the speed & azimuth were fine adjusted & the battle to reassemble was underway!!
Took my time & did it slowly there was a lot to do putting it all back but after a small battle or 2 with reassembly it was time to press play...........
& Viola!! All sorted & a very happy owner - I didn't want to just leave it & knew it was going to be a challenge but holy shiat, this was a labour of love, wouldn't take this job on for anyone else, it's a pig to do & the risks of running it open like that is no picnic
Quite a lot of bad language lol & a stressy job no question.........
Long live the Maximal 3040
View attachment 32675View attachment 32676View attachment 32677View attachment 32678View attachment 32679View attachment 32680View attachment 32681
Today was time to get this big beast working properly!!
You may remember I mentioned in the original post that the cassette deck motor servo was completely inaccessible without somehow taking it apart & removing the tape mechanism & running it while open so the servo pot could be reached

Yeah, a daunting task indeed!!
The psu is mounted in the rear casing along with power amp & lots of cables between the two, the tape deck had to be split from it's pcb to access the flywheel due to a somewhat slow & unstable playback

I then removed the belt & flywheel & found that the flywheel bearing was bone dry & the flywheel didn't spin freely at all - drop of fine oil on the capstan shaft sorted that problem out

All the rubber wheels & bits were cleaned while it was so apart & I then temporarily screwed the tape deck pcb back in place still pondering on how I was gonna run this thing all in pieces

Around half an hour later it was time to power it up after I only connected the minimal amount of cables from the deck to the power amp which also had to connect to the tape pcb!
All this balanced up using tea towels & towels to avoid boards touching chassis or other boards - this bloody thing has an entire pressed steel chassis, no wonder it's so heavy!!
Headphones already plugged in - speaker outputs not connected & anyway, phones are easier - placed a tape in & hit play................f**k me it was playing with a buzz or 2 due to earth & screening wires not plugged in & of course, really bloody slow

That was no longer a problem as I had access to the servo in the motor..........in no time the speed & azimuth were fine adjusted & the battle to reassemble was underway!!
Took my time & did it slowly there was a lot to do putting it all back but after a small battle or 2 with reassembly it was time to press play...........
& Viola!! All sorted & a very happy owner - I didn't want to just leave it & knew it was going to be a challenge but holy shiat, this was a labour of love, wouldn't take this job on for anyone else, it's a pig to do & the risks of running it open like that is no picnic

Quite a lot of bad language lol & a stressy job no question.........
Long live the Maximal 3040

View attachment 32675View attachment 32676View attachment 32677View attachment 32678View attachment 32679View attachment 32680View attachment 32681