panny comparo ?

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Boomus Fidelis
If people on Ebay would stop asking $250+ for those cobra boxes, maybe I'd buy one and let you know.
Even if they are the best-sounding boomboxes on earth, they aren't worth that much. :thumbsdown:


Member (SA)
they are worth what some people are willing to pay for them.......that's why they are sleepers and kick serious butt for what most "collectors" overlook as egg fried junk. I have the DT707, and it is a beautiful sounding radio with great balance of bass and treble. The Techno-Surround feature is superb!


Member (SA)
i've owned both.. i would have to say they run neck and neck sound wise.. but remember the DT75 has smaller woofers.. but they both put out serious sound.. if i had both in front of me and had one to choose.. i'd take the DT75.. (just make sure the woofers dont have surround rot) oh and make sure if you do get a DT75 that it has the remote.. without the remote you cannot access some of the features.. including the AUX input.. just an FYI..


Member (SA)
TMR said:
i've owned both.. i would have to say they run neck and neck sound wise.. but remember the DT75 has smaller woofers.. but they both put out serious sound.. if i had both in front of me and had one to choose.. i'd take the DT75.. (just make sure the woofers dont have surround rot) oh and make sure if you do get a DT75 that it has the remote.. without the remote you cannot access some of the features.. including the AUX input.. just an FYI..

Thing really strange in that Panny Boxes...
My 909 don´t have an AUX button on the remote, but has one in the Cobra Panel... :hmmm:



I Am Legend
:blush: :-O :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce:

yup don - my 20 month old memory is totally shot !!! :'-( :-D :lol: :lol:
and now that i re-reviewd you awesome comparo
let me re-thank you again :-)

i sure wish the 707 looked better --
because -- when that surround pops on -
its incredible

so now...the bottom line-
is for me to pass on any $$$ very expensive dt 75-

one thing i cant tell from your review..
does the 75 have aux-in ??


Boomus Fidelis
redbenjoe said:
one thing i cant tell from your review..
does the 75 have aux-in ??

Your forgiven Ira. :-D
It does but it's a 1/8' mini jack and not a pair of RCA jacks, I prefer the RCA's but with an adapter the 1/8" mini works okay.
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