which says it to this cool small box and sounds also still very good :-)
CorafanRIP Member (SA) Mar 17, 2012 #1 which says it to this cool small box and sounds also still very good
kingrat2010 Member (SA) Mar 17, 2012 #2 :super: have the same one and i can tell they sound fantastic
Andy_from_Perth Member (SA) Mar 18, 2012 #6 ive got a f35 like teamstress above but in dark grey color, its my all time favorite bbx. was just cranking Wishbone Ash's Argus on mine & it puts out some good bass!
ive got a f35 like teamstress above but in dark grey color, its my all time favorite bbx. was just cranking Wishbone Ash's Argus on mine & it puts out some good bass!
TRC-911 Member (SA) Mar 20, 2012 #7 GREAT SCORE! I picked the same one up last summer for $5 best $5 ever spent! They sound superb, and when you get the right station, set it on AMbient and turn the treble up- pure bliss for the ears
GREAT SCORE! I picked the same one up last summer for $5 best $5 ever spent! They sound superb, and when you get the right station, set it on AMbient and turn the treble up- pure bliss for the ears